Interface IRuntimeTargetHandler

public interface IRuntimeTargetHandler

A runtime target handler is used to apply some properties to a project this is being targeted to a given runtime. For instance, the handler might update the classpath of a Java project to include the runtime's classes, add validation for the given runtime, or restrict the type of resources that can be created.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getId()
          Returns the id of this runtime target handler.
 boolean supportsRuntimeType(IRuntimeType runtimeType)
          Returns true if this runtime target handler supports (can work with) the given runtime.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getId()
Returns the id of this runtime target handler. Each known runtime target handler has a distinct id. Ids are intended to be used internally as keys; they are not intended to be shown to end users.

the runtime target handler id


public boolean supportsRuntimeType(IRuntimeType runtimeType)
Returns true if this runtime target handler supports (can work with) the given runtime.

runtimeType - a runtime type
true if the handler can accept the given runtime type, and false otherwise