
Build on Linux#

Install Python#

Each Aidge module are built independantly from one another. To install Aidge on Linux using pip, follow those steps :

  1. Create your python environnement with python >= 3.7. For example using virtualenv :

virtualenv -p python3.8 py_env_aidge
source py_env_aidge/bin/activate
  1. Optionnal: Set the desired install path (which should be the same that you used for aidge_core and other Aidge modules):

export AIDGE_INSTALL='<path_to_aidge>/install'


By default Aidge install its library in the lib/ folder of your python env, following PEP405 standard.

  1. First build aidge_core :

cd aidge/aidge_core/
pip install . -v
  1. Then build other modules (for example aidge_backend_cpu, aidge_onnx) :

cd aidge/aidge_backend_cpu
pip install . -v

C++ Compilation#

For each modules, create two directories build and ìnstall.

Then inside build :

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$(path_to_install_folder) $(CMAKE PARAMETERS) $(projet_root)

make all install

Compilation options#


Value type




Path to the install folder



If Debug, compile in debug mode, Release compile with highest optimisations, default= Release



If ON show warning as error during compilation phase, default=``OFF``



If ON activate python binding, default=``ON``

If you have compiled with PyBind you can find at the root of the build file the python lib aidge_core.cpython*.so