Aidge 101#
To get started with Aidge, please follow the Aidge demonstration tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates the basic features of the Aidge Framework, importing an ONNX, transforming a neural network graph, performing inference and a cpp export.
Aidge DNN fonctionnalities#
Manipulating databases and creating batches of data
Train a Deep Neural Network
Provide an operator implementation using Python or meta-operators
Perform advanced graph matching with the Graph Regular Expression tool
DNN Optimization#
Perform post Training Quantization
Perform Convolution tiling
DNN export#
Tutorial on adding the C++ Aidge#
You can extend our operator coverage by adding an operator and its implementation in the C++ Aidge library. The Add an operator and its implementation Tutorial details the steps to follow.
For more information on contributing to Aidge, please refer to the wiki.
If you encounter any difficulty with the Tutorials, please create an issue here.