Configuring message hubs by using the Amlen WebUI

System administrators and messaging administrators can configure message hubs by using the Message Hubs page in the Amlen WebUI.

You can configure a message hub by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Administration APIs. For more information about using REST Administration APIs to configure a message hub, see Configuring message hubs by using REST Administration APIs.

For more information about the components that you must specify when you configure a message hub, endpoint, connection policy, or messaging policy, see Configuring message hubs.


To change the visibility of the data that is shown in a table, enter a value into Filter. The filter is applied to all of the pages in the table. The filter is applied to most of the columns in the table, except for the columns that contain a count of endpoints or policies. You can filter on columns that contain icons by entering the value that is shown in the icon hover help into the Filter field. To clear the filter, click Clear Filter.

  1. Go to the Message Hubs page in one of the following ways:
    • From the Home tab, click Message Hubs in the Configure IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway to accept connections pane.
    • From the Messaging menu, click Message Hubs.
  2. Choose an action from the Message Hubs pane:
    • To add a message hub, click the Add icon.

      After you add a message hub, you must then edit the message hub to add connection policies, messaging policies, and endpoints.

    • To delete a message hub, select the hub and click the Delete icon.

      You can delete a message hub only if it does not have any endpoints. Use the Edit icon to edit the message hub and delete the endpoints before you delete the message hub. You can delete the connection policies and messaging policies, or keep them to use with another endpoint.

    • To edit a message hub, select the hub and click the Edit icon, and continue to step 3.
  3. Click Edit next to the hub name to edit the description of the message hub.
  4. Open the Connection Policies tab and choose an action:
    • To add a connection policy, click the Add icon.
    • To delete a connection policy, select the policy and click the Delete icon.
    • To edit a connection policy, select the policy and click the Edit icon.
      Note: When you edit a connection policy, any changes that are made do not affect existing connections. Only connections that are made after the policy is edited have the updated policy that is applied to them.
    Note: If a connection policy is not associated with an endpoint, a warning icon is displayed in the endpoint column. This warning icon indicates that the policy is not in effect because it is not being used by any endpoint. When the policy is used by one or more endpoints, the warning icon is not displayed.
  5. Open the Messaging Policies tab and choose an action for the appropriate type of messaging policy:
    • To add a messaging policy, click the Add icon for the type of messaging policy that you want to create.
    • To delete a messaging policy, select the policy and click the Delete icon above the table in which the policy is listed.

      You cannot delete a messaging policy that is associated with an endpoint; you must remove it from all endpoints with which it is associated.

    • To edit a messaging policy, select the policy and click the Edit icon above the table in which the policy is listed.
    Note: If a messaging policy is not associated with an endpoint, a warning icon is displayed in the endpoint column. This warning icon indicates that the policy is not in effect because it is not being used by any endpoint. When the policy is used by one or more endpoints, the warning icon is not displayed.
  6. Open the Endpoints tab and choose an action:
    • To add an endpoint, click the Add icon.
    • To delete an endpoint, select the endpoint and click the Delete icon.
    • To edit an endpoint, select the endpoint and click the Edit icon.
    1. The endpoint cannot function correctly if it is configured with an IP address that does not match any of the configured network interface IP addresses on the Eclipse Amlen server.
    2. The order in which the connection policies and messaging policies are specified on the endpoint is important. The policies are applied in the order that they are specified. You can change the specified order by selecting a policy and clicking the arrow icons to move the policy in the list.
  7. Click Return to Message Hubs to return to the Message Hubs page.