Viewing configuration details of objects that cannot be named by using REST Administration APIs

System administrators can view configuration details of configuration objects that are either provided with a pre-configured name, or are configuration objects for which the name cannot be configured.

You can use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method to view configuration details of the following configuration objects:

  • AdminEndpoint
  • AdminLog
  • AdminUserID
  • AdminUserPassword
  • ClusterMembership
  • ConnectionLog
  • CRLProfile
  • DisableInterfaceMapping
  • EnableDiskPersistence
  • FIPS
  • GranuleSizeBytes
  • HighAvailability
  • LDAP
  • LicensedUsage
  • LogLevel
  • LogLocation
  • MgmtMemPercent
  • MQCertificate
  • MQConnectivityEnabled
  • MQConnectivityLog
  • PluginDebugPort
  • PluginDebugServer
  • PluginMaxHeapSize
  • PluginPort
  • PluginServer
  • PluginVMArgs
  • PreSharedKey
  • SecurityLog
  • ServerName
  • ServerUID
  • SNMPEnabled
  • SSHHost
  • Syslog
  • TolerateRecoveryInconsistencies
  • TopicMonitor
  • TraceLevel
  • WebUIPort
  • WebUIHost
To view configuration details of a fixed-name configuration object type, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen URI:


Specifies the type of configuration object.
A valid list of object types is displayed in the "About this task" section.

The following example shows a GET method to view configuration details of AdminEndpoint by using cURL:

curl -X GET

The following example shows a successful example response to the GET method:

  "Version": "v1",
  "AdminEndpoint": {
    "Port": 9089,
    "Interface": "All",
    "SecurityProfile": "AdminDefaultSecProfile",
    "ConfigurationPolicies": "AdminDefaultConfigPolicy",
    "Description": "Admin Endpoint used for processing administrative and monitoring requests from clients using REST API."