Configuring the admin endpoint by using the Amlen WebUI

System administrators can view and configure the Eclipse Amlen admin endpoint by using the Server tab in the Amlen WebUI.

You can configure the admin endpoint by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using the REST Administration API. For more information about using the REST Administration API to configure the admin endpoint, see Configuring the admin endpoint by using REST Administration APIs.

  1. Go to the Admin Endpoint Configuration page:
    • From the Server menu, click Admin Endpoint.
  2. In the Admin Superuser section, review the admin superuser ID.
    • To change the admin superuser ID, click Change User ID and specify the user ID that you require.
    • To change the admin superuser password, click Change Password and specify and confirm the password that you require.
  3. In the Admin Endpoint section, click Edit to change the values for IP address, port, and security profile, and to add, delete, and change the order of configuration policies.
    Note: If you change the port number and continue to use the default server name, the server name that appears in the Server menu continues to contain the 9089 string. In order to simplify administration, consider changing the server name to remove the 9089 string. Go to the Server Control page by selecting Server Control from the Server menu and then click Edit in the Server name field.
  4. In the Configuration Policies section, add, delete, and edit configuration policies.
    • To add a configuration policy, click the Add icon.
    • To delete a configuration policy, select the policy and click the Delete icon.
    • To edit a configuration policy, select the policy and click the Edit icon.
  5. Click Save to save any changes that you make.