Configuring LTPA profiles by using the Amlen WebUI

System administrators can configure LTPA profiles by using the Security Settings page in the Amlen WebUI.

You can configure LTPA profiles by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Administration APIs. For more information about using REST Administration APIs to configure LTPA profiles, see Creating and updating an LTPA profile by using REST Administration APIs.

For more information about the components that you must specify when you configure LTPA profiles, see Configuring Lightweight Third Party Authentication.

  1. Go to the Security Settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From the Home tab, click Server Security in the Secure your environment pane.
    • From the Server menu, click Security Settings.
  2. Choose an action from the LTPA Profiles pane:
    • To add an LTPA profile, click the Add icon.
    • To delete an LTPA profile, select the profile and click the Delete icon.
      Note: You cannot delete an LTPA profile that is associated with a security profile. First, remove the LTPA profile from the associated security profile, and then delete the LTPA profile.
    • To edit an LTPA profile, select the profile and click the Edit icon.
Associate the LTPA profile with a security profile. For more information, see Configuring security profiles.