Viewing the cluster status of an Eclipse Amlen server by using a REST Administration API

System administrators can view the cluster status of the Eclipse Amlen server by using the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method.

To view the cluster status of the Eclipse Amlen server, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


Note: The cluster status of the Eclipse Amlen server is also returned as part of the data that is returned from the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method with the following URI:


The following cluster status information is returned:
The status of the server in the cluster. Possible values, and their meanings, are:
The server is a configured member of a cluster.
The server is not a cluster member, or it is not enabled for cluster membership.
The server is the standby server in a clustered HA pair.
The name of the cluster of which the server is a member.
Whether the server is enabled for cluster membership. Possible values, and their meanings, are:
The server is enabled for cluster membership.
The server is not enabled for cluster membership.
The number of known cluster members that are currently active, and to which this server is able to connect.
The number of known cluster members that this server is unable to connect to.
The server might be unable to connect to a known cluster member because the known cluster member is not running or is in maintenance mode, or there might be network connectivity problems.

The following example demonstrates displaying the cluster status of the Eclipse Amlen server by using cURL.

curl -X GET

The following example shows an example response to the GET method:

  "Cluster": { 
    "Status": "Active",    
    "Name": "MyCluster",    
    "Enabled": true,    
    "ConnectedServers": 3,
    "DisconnectedServers": 1