Viewing message flow by using the Amlen WebUI

System administrators can view throughput statistics for incoming and outgoing messages on remote and local servers in the cluster to understand message flow by using the Throughput chart that is provided in the Amlen WebUI.

You can view statistics about message throughput between cluster members by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Administration APIs.

  1. Go to the Cluster Status page in one of the following ways:
    1. From the Home tab, go to the Active Connections and Throughputsection to view the Throughput Chart.
    2. From the Cluster > Status menu, view the Throughput Chart.
  2. View the information that is displayed in the Throughput Chart. The Throughput Chart displays information about the rate of inbound and outbound messages per second between cluster members.
Use the information to understand:
  • If there are remote subscribers or publishers that this server is sending messages to or receiving messages from.
  • What the relative amount of traffic being send to (or received from) local and remote subscribers/publishers is.
  • If your cluster is balanced.