Changing the Amlen WebUI address

System administrators can change the IP address and Port values that are used to connect to the Amlen WebUI by using the Web UI Settings page.

  1. Go to the Web UI Settings page:
    • From the Web UI menu, click Web UI Settings. The Web UI Settings page is displayed.
  2. From the IP Address and Port pane, choose an action:
    Note: Exercise caution if you choose to change the value settings for the IP address and port. You might not be able to log on to the Web UI if you make an error in these settings and you will then have to redeploy the Web UI. Ensure that you enter a valid IP address and port number. You might want to confirm that the port is not in use and that the IP address exists on the host that you are using. Redeploying the Web UI results in the loss of Web UI specific information - for example, the list of managed servers. Messaging server data is not lost when you redeploy the Web UI.
    • Change the IP address:
      1. Select an available address from the IP Address list.

        The option presented initially is All. This option makes the Amlen WebUI accessible via all of the IP addresses on the host where the Web UI application is running. You can restrict which IP address can be used by the Web UI by setting this value to a specific IP address.

      2. Click Save.
      3. If required, log in to the Amlen WebUI with the new IP address.
    • Change the port number:

      Ensure that you select a port that is not in use. If you select a port that is in use, you cannot log in to the Amlen WebUI.

      1. Enter a value into the Port field. This value can be any value in the range 1-8999, 9087, or 9100-65535.
      2. Click Save.
      3. Log in to the Amlen WebUI with the new port number.
To disconnect any users from the old port, you can stop or restart the Web UI process.
  • If you are using Docker, you can stop the Amlen WebUI by entering the following command:
    docker stop <WebUI container name>
    You can start the Amlen WebUI by entering the following command:
    docker start <WebUI container name>
  • If you are running on a host operating system, you can stop the Amlen WebUI by entering the following command:
    systemctl stop imawebui
    You can start the Amlen WebUI by entering the following command:
    systemctl start imawebui