Changing the Amlen WebUI timeout

The Amlen WebUI logs users out after a default period of 30 minutes of browser inactivity. The Amlen WebUI logs users out after a default period of 120 minutes, regardless of browser activity. You can change these timeout periods by using the Web UI Settings page.

The session inactivity timeout period does not only include user interaction. Any interaction between the web browser and the Eclipse Amlen server is regarded as session activity. As the browser continually polls the server for status, it is unlikely that this timeout period is met. Therefore, if you want to specify a definite timeout period, you must set the LTPA token expiration at an appropriate value.

  1. Go to the Web UI Settings page:
    • From the Web UI menu, click Web UI Settings. The Web UI Settings page is displayed.
  2. Optional: From the Session Timeout and LTPA Token Expiration pane, choose an action:
    • Change the session timeout:
      Note: Changing this value might require you to log in again.
      1. Enter a value, in minutes, into the Session Inactivity Timeout field.
      2. Click Save.
    • Change the LTPA token expiration:
      Note: Changing this value might require you to log in again.
      1. Enter a value, in minutes, into the LTPA Token Expiration field. This value must be equal to, or larger than, the value that is entered in the Session Inactivity Timeout field.
      2. Click Save.