Creating a backup of the Amlen WebUI

System administrators can create a backup of the Amlen WebUI server by using REST Administration APIs.

  • To ensure consistency of the backup, stop the Amlen WebUI before you perform the backup.

System administrators can create a backup that can be used to restore the Amlen WebUI configuration. The configuration data is located in your file system.and can be backed up by using standard system tools. If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, you can use standard Docker commands to create the backup.

  1. Stop the Amlen WebUI:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, use the following command:
      docker stop <WebUI container name>
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host operating system (OS), use the following command:
      systemctl stop imawebui
  2. Back up the Amlen WebUI files:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, use either of the following commands:
      docker export 
      docker save 
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host OS, use your standard system tools to back up the contents of the following files and directories:
      • /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/users.ldif
      • /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config
      • /var/messagesight/webui/openldap-data
      • /var/messagesight/webui/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/properties.xml
      • /var/messagesight/webui/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security
  3. Restart the Amlen WebUI:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, use the following command:
      docker start <WebUI container name>
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host OS, use the following command:
      systemctl start imawebui

The following example shows creating a backup of the Amlen WebUI when it is in a Docker environment:

[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker stop IMAWEBUI
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker commit IMAWEBUI imawebui:backup
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker save -o imawebui-20151211.tar imawebui:backup
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker rmi imawebui:backup
Untagged: imawebui:backup
Deleted: 2a17d852237170f4f21fc77ce62bdda7ac3db69ec8129eb620cd6dfedc3fad76

The following example shows creating a backup of the Amlen WebUI when it is running directly on the host OS:

[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server stop ISMWebUI
Stopping server ISMWebUI.
Server ISMWebUI stopped.

[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo zip -r -P <password> /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config 
/opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/properties.xml /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/ (stored 0%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/slapd.conf (deflated 55%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/users.ldif (deflated 70%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/ (stored 0%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/DB_CONFIG (stored 0%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.001 (deflated 99%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.002 (deflated 97%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.003 (deflated 98%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/alock (deflated 98%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/dn2id.bdb (deflated 99%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/id2entry.bdb (deflated 100%)
  adding: opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/log.0000000001 (deflated 100%)
  adding: opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/properties.xml (deflated 62%)
  adding: opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security/ (stored 0%)
  adding: opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security/ltpa.keys (deflated 31%)
  adding: opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security/key.jks (deflated 5%)
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server start ISMWebUI
Starting server ISMWebUI.
Server ISMWebUI started with process ID 8248.