Restoring the Amlen WebUI from a backup

System administrators can use standard system tools to restore the Amlen WebUI from a backup.

  1. Stop the Amlen WebUI:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, use the following command:
      docker stop <WebUI container name>
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host operating system (OS), use the following command:
      systemctl stop imawebui
  2. Restore the Amlen WebUI:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, and you used the docker export or docker save command to create the backup:
      1. Load the backup into a new Docker image by using the following command:
        docker load
      2. Remove the Docker container that holds the previous version of the Amlen WebUI by using the following command:
        docker rm
      3. Remove the Docker image of the previous version of the Amlen WebUI by using the following command:
        docker rmi
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host OS, use your standard system tools to restore the following files and directories:
      • /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/users.ldif
      • /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config
      • /var/messagesight/webui/openldap-data
      • /var/messagesight/webui/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/properties.xml
      • /var/messagesight/webui/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security
  3. Restart the Amlen WebUI:
    • If you are using the Amlen WebUI in a Docker environment, use the following command:
      docker start <WebUI container name>
    • If you are running the Amlen WebUI directly on the host OS, use the following command:
      systemctl start imawebui

The following example shows restoring the Amlen WebUI when it is in a Docker environment:

[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker stop IMAWEBUI
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker rm IMAWEBUI
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker load < imawebui-20151211.tar
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo docker run --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --net=host -P -it --name=IMAWEBUI --env-file=./imawebui-docker.env -m 4g -d imawebui:backup

The following example shows restoring the Amlen WebUI when it is running directly on the host OS:

[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo systemctl stop imawebui
Stopping server ISMWebUI.
Server ISMWebUI stopped.
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo unzip -d /
[] opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/slapd.conf password:
replace /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/slapd.conf? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/slapd.conf
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap/config/users.ldif
   creating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/
 extracting: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/DB_CONFIG
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.001
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.002
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/__db.003
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/alock
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/dn2id.bdb
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/id2entry.bdb
  inflating: /opt/ibm/imawebui/openldap-data/log.0000000001
  inflating: /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/properties.xml
  inflating: /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security/ltpa.keys
  inflating: /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/ISMWebUI/resources/security/key.jks
[admin@localhost ~]$ sudo /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server start ISMWebUI
Starting server ISMWebUI.
Server ISMWebUI started with process ID 9535.