ConnectionFactory properties

ConnectionFactory properties are used to create the Eclipse Amlen JMS client Connection object.

When a Connection is created, these properties are copied to the Connection object and are available as read only properties in the Connection. When a Session is created from the Connection, the properties of the Connection are copied into the Session and are available as read only properties. The properties within the Connection and Session represent the current state of those objects. For consumer specific property values, the UserData property is defined on the ConnectionFactory interface. Because it is intended for use by API consumers, this property value can be set at any time on the ConnectionFactory object and on objects derived from it (Connection and Session objects). Additional user properties (with custom names, instead of UserData) can be defined using the ImaProperties.addValidProperty() method. In order for a custom property to be writable in derived Connection and Session objects, the property name must contain the string "user". Otherwise, the property will be read only for the derived objects.

The properties which almost always need to be set are the Server and Port which define the location of the server. To use secure communications you must set the Protocol to "tcps".