Destination properties

Destination properties are used when you are creating an Eclipse Amlen JMS client MessageConsumer or MessageProducer.

The only property that is normally set for a Destination is the Name. Because there are so few properties associated with a destination in Eclipse Amlen, it is common to use the Session.createTopic(String) method to create the destination by name.

When a MessageProducer or MessageConsumer is created, its effective properties are created from the Destination properties and are available as read only properties. Even when the properties are read only, properties whose name contains the string "user" can be modified. These properties are not used by the Eclipse Amlen JMS client but are made available for the application. For consumer-specific property values, the UserData property is defined on the Destination interface. Because it is intended for use by API consumers, this property value can be set at any time on the Destination object and on objects that are derived from it (MessageConsumer and MessageProducer objects). Additional user properties (with custom names, instead of UserData) can be defined by using the IsmProperties.addValidProperty() method. In order for a custom property to be writable in derived MessageConsumer and MessageProducer objects, the property name must contain the string "user". Otherwise, the property is read only for the derived objects.