Message hubs

A message hub is a self-contained unit that groups endpoints and policies around a specific application. Grouping endpoints and policies makes them easier to manage, and to monitor.

Hubs are an organizational configuration object to collect the endpoints, connection policies, and messaging policy types that are associated with a specific goal in a single place. There are three types of messaging policy - topic policies, queue policies, and subscription policies. The specific goal is user-defined and might relate to one or more applications or services.

System administrators, and messaging administrators can define, edit, or delete message hubs. These administrators can then create endpoints, connection policies, topic policies, queue policies, and subscription policies on the message hub for a specific job, application, or task.

Policies are hub-specific. For example, you might create one message hub for a financial application, and one message hub for a specific operational task. You can also create message hubs associated with a particular type of user. So you might create one message hub for internal users, and one message hub for external users. You can then manage connections policies and messaging policy types that are associated with a specific message hub.

If you add an application at a future date, you can create a message hub with a new connection and messaging policy type for that application. The task that is associated with that hub can then be monitored as a complete entity.

Monitoring data is aggregated for all endpoints in the hub. The aggregation of data means that endpoints can be monitored to provide a complete picture of traffic and activity across the message hub. You can monitor active connections, and system throughput (messages/second) on the message hub to provide an overview of system connections, and performance.