LTPA validation fails
There are several common reasons why LTPA validation might fail.
Does the LTPA profile have a valid LTPA key file?
The Eclipse Amlen LTPA profile must have a valid LTPA key file from WebSphere® Application Server or Worklight®. To resolve the problem, ensure that the LTPA key file is valid, and is associated with the correct LTPA profile.
Is the LTPA profile associated with the correct security profile?
The LTPA profile must be assigned to a security profile, and the security profile must be associated with the endpoint that the client application is connecting to. If the LTPA profile is not associated with the correct security profile and endpoint, the LTPA authentication fails. To resolve the problem, ensure that the LTPA profile is associated with the correct security profile and endpoint.
Is the expiration time of the token valid?
If the token expiration time is invalid, the LTPA authentication fails. If the application is connected to Eclipse Amlen when the token expires, the connection to Eclipse Amlen ends.
Is the user name and password correct?
client application must have a user name of IMA_LTPA_AUTH
a password that is set to the LTPA token value. If the user name and
password are not correct, the LTPA authentication fails. To resolve
the problem, ensure that the user name and password are correctly