© HÄFNER Präzisionsteile Oberrot GmbH |
System modernisation and data exchange with the help of Eclipse BaSyx
HÄFNER Präzisionsteile Oberrot GmbH is a producer of high-precision weights in individual to small series production. Some of these weights are highly customised. Weights are regularly recalibrated in addition to the initial calibration, whereby the interval is determined by customers. The company also produces precision parts (e.g. for gearboxes), about which various data are recorded in a CAQ system (Computer-Aided Quality) during quality assurance.
In many cases, data must be exchanged across company boundaries. A service platform for exchanging data was implemented with the support of Eclipse BaSyx and the Asset Administration Shell (AAS). As a result, the quality of manufactured components has been enhanced, thanks to the interoperability enabled by BaSyx middleware allowing information exchange between engineering and production systems. Besides it, the communication within production and along supply chain has been improved with the support of a customer portal, which provides supplementary production information.