Interface IntObjectMap<V>

All Superinterfaces:
InternalIterable<V>, Iterable<V>, PrimitiveObjectMap<V>, RichIterable<V>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ImmutableIntObjectMap<V>, MutableIntObjectMap<V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractImmutableIntObjectMap, IntObjectHashMap, SynchronizedIntObjectMap, UnmodifiableIntObjectMap

public interface IntObjectMap<V>
extends PrimitiveObjectMap<V>
This file was automatically generated from template file primitiveObjectMap.stg.
  • Method Details

    • get

      V get​(int key)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key. If no mapping exists for the key, null is returned.
      key - the key
      the value associated with the key, or the default value if no such mapping exists
    • getIfAbsent

      V getIfAbsent​(int key, Function0<? extends V> ifAbsent)
      Retrieves the value associated with the key if one exists; if it does not, returns the result of invoking the value supplier.
      key - the key
      function - the supplier that provides the value if no mapping exists for key
      the value associated with the key, if one exists, or the result of invoking ifAbsent if not
    • containsKey

      boolean containsKey​(int key)
      Returns whether or not the key is present in the map.
      key - the key
      if a mapping exists in this map for the key
    • tap

      IntObjectMap<V> tap​(Procedure<? super V> procedure)
      Description copied from interface: RichIterable
      Executes the Procedure for each element in the iterable and returns this.

      Example using a Java 8 lambda expression:

       RichIterable<Person> tapped =
           people.tap(person ->;

      Example using an anonymous inner class:

       RichIterable<Person> tapped =
           people.tap(new Procedure<Person>()
               public void value(Person person)
      Specified by:
      tap in interface RichIterable<V>
      See Also:
      RichIterable.each(Procedure), RichIterable.forEach(Procedure)
    • forEachKey

      void forEachKey​(IntProcedure procedure)
      Iterates through each key in the map, invoking the procedure for each.
      procedure - the procedure to invoke for each key
    • forEachKeyValue

      void forEachKeyValue​(IntObjectProcedure<? super V> procedure)
      Iterates through each key/value pair in the map, invoking the procedure for each.
      procedure - the procedure to invoke for each key/value pair
    • select

      IntObjectMap<V> select​(IntObjectPredicate<? super V> predicate)
      Return a copy of this map containing only the key/value pairs that match the predicate.
      predicate - the predicate to determine which key/value pairs in this map should be included in the returned map
      a copy of this map with the matching key/value pairs
    • reject

      IntObjectMap<V> reject​(IntObjectPredicate<? super V> predicate)
      Return a copy of this map containing only the key/value pairs that do not match the predicate.
      predicate - the predicate to determine which key/value pairs in this map should be excluded from the returned map
      a copy of this map without the matching key/value pairs
    • toImmutable

      ImmutableIntObjectMap<V> toImmutable()
      Returns a copy of this map that is immutable (if this map is mutable) or itself if it is already immutable.
      an immutable map that is equivalent to this one
    • keySet

      MutableIntSet keySet()
      Returns a set containing all the keys in this map. The set is backed by the map, so any modifications to the returned set will affect this map.
      a mutable set containing the keys in this map
    • keysView

      LazyIntIterable keysView()
      Returns a view of the keys in this map. This iterable is backed by the map, so any modifications to the underlying map will be reflected in the keys returned by the iterable.
      a view of the keys in this map
    • keyValuesView

      RichIterable<IntObjectPair<V>> keyValuesView()
      Returns a view of the key/value pairs in this map. This iterable is backed by the map, so any modifications to the underlying map will be reflected in the pairs returned by the iterable.
      a view of the keys in this map
    • flipUniqueValues

      ObjectIntMap<V> flipUniqueValues()
      Return the ObjectIntMap that is obtained by flipping the direction of this map and making the associations from value to key.
      IllegalStateException - if the ObjectIntMap contains duplicate values.