Interface SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V>

All Superinterfaces:
Multimap<K,​V>, OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ImmutableSortedBagMultimap<K,​V>, ImmutableSortedSetMultimap<K,​V>, MutableSortedBagMultimap<K,​V>, MutableSortedSetMultimap<K,​V>, SortedBagMultimap<K,​V>, SortedSetMultimap<K,​V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ImmutableSortedBagMultimapImpl, ImmutableSortedSetMultimapImpl, SynchronizedPutTreeSortedSetMultimap, SynchronizedSortedBagMultimap, SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap, TreeBagMultimap, TreeBagMultimap, TreeBagMultimap, TreeSortedSetMultimap

public interface SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
extends OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
  • Method Details

    • newEmpty

      SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V> newEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Creates a new instance of the same implementation type, using the default capacity and growth parameters.
      Specified by:
      newEmpty in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      newEmpty in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
    • get

      SortedIterable<V> get​(K key)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns a view of all values associated with the given key.

      If the given key does not exist, an empty RichIterable is returned.

      Specified by:
      get in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      get in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      key - the key to search for
    • comparator

      Comparator<? super V> comparator()
    • selectKeysValues

      SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V> selectKeysValues​(Predicate2<? super K,​? super V> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns all elements of the source multimap that satisfies the predicate. This method is also commonly called filter.
       return multimap.selectKeysValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Person>()
           public boolean accept(Integer age, Person person)
               return (age >= 18)
                        && (person.getAddress().getCity().equals("Metuchen"));
      Specified by:
      selectKeysValues in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      selectKeysValues in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      predicate - a Predicate2 to use as the select criteria
      Multimap, which contains elements as a result of the select criteria
    • rejectKeysValues

      SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V> rejectKeysValues​(Predicate2<? super K,​? super V> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns all elements of the source multimap that don't satisfy the predicate.
       return multimap.rejectKeysValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Person>()
           public boolean accept(Integer age, Person person)
               return (age >= 18)
                        && (person.getAddress().getCity().equals("Metuchen"));
      Specified by:
      rejectKeysValues in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      rejectKeysValues in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      predicate - a Predicate2 to use as the reject criteria
      Multimap, which contains elements that don't satisfy the predicate
    • selectKeysMultiValues

      SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V> selectKeysMultiValues​(Predicate2<? super K,​? super Iterable<V>> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns all elements of the source multimap that satisfies the predicate. This method is also commonly called filter.
       return multimap.selectKeysMultiValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Iterable<Person>>()
           public boolean accept(Integer age, Iterable<Person> values)
               return (age >= 18)
                        && ((RichIterable<Person>)values.size() >= 2);
      Specified by:
      selectKeysMultiValues in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      selectKeysMultiValues in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      predicate - a Predicate2 to use as the select criteria
      Multimap, which contains elements as a result of the select criteria
    • rejectKeysMultiValues

      SortedIterableMultimap<K,​V> rejectKeysMultiValues​(Predicate2<? super K,​? super Iterable<V>> predicate)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns all elements of the source multimap that don't satisfy the predicate.
       return multimap.rejectKeysMultiValues(new Predicate2<Integer, Iterable<Person>>()
           public boolean accept(Integer age, Iterable<Person> values)
               return (age >= 18)
                        && ((RichIterable<Person>)values.size() >= 2);
      Specified by:
      rejectKeysMultiValues in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      rejectKeysMultiValues in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      predicate - a Predicate2 to use as the reject criteria
      Multimap, which contains elements that don't satisfy the predicate
    • collectValues

      <V2> ListMultimap<K,​V2> collectValues​(Function<? super V,​? extends V2> function)
      Description copied from interface: Multimap
      Returns a new multimap with the results of applying the specified function on each value of the source multimap. This method is also commonly called transform or map.
       return multimap.collectValues(new Function<Person, String>()
           public String valueOf(Person person)
               return person.getLastName();
      Specified by:
      collectValues in interface Multimap<K,​V>
      Specified by:
      collectValues in interface OrderedIterableMultimap<K,​V>
      function - a Function to use for transformation
      Multimap, which contains elements as a result of the transformation