EclipseLink 2.1.2, build 'v20101206-r8635' API Reference

Class InheritancePolicy

  extended by org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.InheritancePolicy
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

public class InheritancePolicy
extends java.lang.Object
implements, java.lang.Cloneable

Purpose: Allows customization of an object's inheritance. The primary supported inheritance model uses a class type indicator column in the table that stores the object's class type. The class-to-type mapping is specified on this policy. The full class name can also be used for the indicator instead of the mapping.

Each subclass can either share their parents table, or in addition add their own table(s).

For legacy models a customized inheritance class-extractor can be provided. This allows Java code to be used to compute the class type to use for a row. When this customized inheritance model is used an only-instances and with-all-subclasses filter expression may be required for concrete and branch querying.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.Object> allChildClassIndicators
protected  java.util.Vector allTables
protected  java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> childDescriptors
protected  Expression childrenJoinExpression
protected  java.util.List<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> childrenTables
protected  java.util.Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,Expression> childrenTablesJoinExpressions
protected  ClassExtractor classExtractor
protected  java.lang.String classExtractorName
          Allow for class extraction method to be specified.
protected  org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField classIndicatorField
protected  java.util.Map classIndicatorMapping
protected  java.util.Map classNameIndicatorMapping
protected  boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses
protected  ClassDescriptor descriptor
protected  boolean hasMultipleTableChild
protected  boolean isJoinedStrategy
protected  Expression onlyInstancesExpression
protected  java.lang.Class parentClass
protected  java.lang.String parentClassName
protected  ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor
protected  org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView
protected  ClassDescriptor rootParentDescriptor
          PERF: Cache root descriptor.
protected  boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin
protected  boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses
          Define if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.
protected  java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclasses
protected  boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator
protected  boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects
protected  Expression withAllSubclassesExpression
Constructor Summary
          INTERNAL: Create a new policy.
InheritancePolicy(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
          INTERNAL: Create a new policy.
Method Summary
 void addChildDescriptor(ClassDescriptor childDescriptor)
          INTERNAL: Add child descriptor to the parent descriptor.
protected  void addChildTableJoinExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, Expression expression)
          INTERNAL: childrenTablesJoinExpressions, childrenTables, allTables and childrenJoinExpression are created simultaneously and kept in sync.
 void addChildTableJoinExpressionToAllParents(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table, Expression expression)
          INTERNAL: call addChildTableJoinExpression on all parents
 void addClassIndicator(java.lang.Class childClass, java.lang.Object typeValue)
          PUBLIC: Add a class indicator for the root classes subclass.
 void addClassIndicatorFieldToInsertRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord databaseRow)
          INTERNAL: Add abstract class indicator information to the database row.
 void addClassIndicatorFieldToRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord databaseRow)
          INTERNAL: Add abstract class indicator information to the database row.
protected  void addClassIndicatorTypeToParent(java.lang.Object indicator)
          INTERNAL: Post initialize the child descriptors
 void addClassNameIndicator(java.lang.String childClassName, java.lang.Object typeValue)
          INTERNAL: Add the class name reference by class name, used by the MW.
protected  void addFieldsToParent(java.util.Vector fields)
          INTERNAL: Recursively adds fields to all the parents
 void appendWithAllSubclassesExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement selectStatement)
          INTERNAL: Append the branch with all subclasses expression to the statement.
 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement buildClassIndicatorSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Return a select statement that will be used to query the class indicators required to query.
 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement buildViewSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Build a select statement for all subclasses on the view using the same selection criteria as the query.
 java.lang.Class classFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord rowFromDatabase, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: This method is invoked only for the abstract descriptors.
 java.lang.Class classFromValue(java.lang.Object classFieldValue, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: This method is used to turn the a raw database field value classFieldValue into a Class object.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          INTERNAL: Clone the policy
 void convertClassNamesToClasses(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this InheritancePolicy to actual class-based settings.
protected  java.lang.Class convertClassNameToClass(java.lang.String className, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          INTERNAL: Convert the given className to an actual class.
 void dontReadSubclassesOnQueries()
          PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to only read instance of itself when queried.
 void dontUseClassNameAsIndicator()
          PUBLIC: Set the descriptor not to use the class' full name as the indicator.
protected  java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getAllChildClassIndicators()
          INTERNAL: Stores class indicators for all child and children's children.
 java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getAllChildDescriptors()
          INTERNAL: Returns all the child descriptors, even descriptors for subclasses of subclasses.
protected  java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getAllChildDescriptors(java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> allChildDescriptors)
          INTERNAL: Recursive subroutine of getAllChildDescriptors.
 java.util.Vector getAllTables()
          INTERNAL: all tables for reference class plus childrenTables
 java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getChildDescriptors()
          INTERNAL: Return all the immediate child descriptors.
 Expression getChildrenJoinExpression()
          INTERNAL: all expressions from childrenTablesJoinExpressions ANDed together
 java.util.List<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> getChildrenTables()
          INTERNAL: if reads subclasses, all tables for all read subclasses (indirect included).
 java.util.Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,Expression> getChildrenTablesJoinExpressions()
          INTERNAL: join expression for each child table, keyed by the table
protected  java.lang.reflect.Method getClassExtractionMethod()
          INTERNAL: Return all the classExtractionMethod
 java.lang.String getClassExtractionMethodName()
          ADVANCED: A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
 ClassExtractor getClassExtractor()
          ADVANCED: A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
 java.util.Vector getClassIndicatorAssociations()
          INTERNAL: Return the class indicator associations for XML.
 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField getClassIndicatorField()
          INTERNAL: Returns field that the class type indicator is store when using inheritance.
 java.lang.String getClassIndicatorFieldName()
          PUBLIC: Return the class indicator field name.
 java.util.Map getClassIndicatorMapping()
          INTERNAL: Return the association of indicators and classes using specified ConversionManager
protected  java.lang.Object getClassIndicatorValue()
          INTERNAL: Returns value of the abstract class indicator for the Java class.
protected  java.lang.Object getClassIndicatorValue(java.lang.Class javaClass)
          INTERNAL: Returns the indicator field value for the given class If no abstract indicator mapping is specified, use the class name.
 java.util.Map getClassNameIndicatorMapping()
          INTERNAL: Return the mapping from class name to indicator, used by MW.
 boolean getDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses()
          ADVANCED: Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor e.g.
 ClassDescriptor getDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Returns the descriptor which the policy belongs to.
 ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(java.lang.Class theClass)
          INTERNAL: Returns descriptor corresponding to the class owning the policy or its subclass - otherwise null.
 Expression getOnlyInstancesExpression()
          ADVANCED: Return the 'only instances expression'.
 java.lang.Class getParentClass()
          PUBLIC: Return the parent class.
 java.lang.String getParentClassName()
          INTERNAL: Return the parent class name.
 ClassDescriptor getParentDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Return the parent descriptor.
 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable getReadAllSubclassesView()
          INTERNAL: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
 java.lang.String getReadAllSubclassesViewName()
          ADVANCED: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
 ClassDescriptor getRootParentDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Return the root parent descriptor
 ClassDescriptor getSubclassDescriptor(java.lang.Class theClass)
          INTERNAL: use aggregate in inheritance
 boolean getUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects()
          INTERNAL: return if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.
 Expression getWithAllSubclassesExpression()
          ADVANCED: Return the Expression which gets all subclasses.
 boolean hasChildren()
          INTERNAL: Check if descriptor has children
 boolean hasClassExtractor()
 boolean hasClassIndicator()
          INTERNAL: Checks if the class is involved in inheritance
 boolean hasMultipleTableChild()
          INTERNAL: Return if any children of this descriptor require information from another table not specified at the parent level.
 boolean hasView()
          INTERNAL: Return if a view is used for inheritance reads.
 void initialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: Initialize the inheritance properties of the descriptor once the mappings are initialized.
protected  void initializeClassExtractor(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: Setup the default classExtractionMethod, or if one was specified by the user make sure it is valid.
protected  void initializeOnlyInstancesExpression()
          INTERNAL: Initialize the expression to use to check the specific type field.
protected  void initializeOptimisticLocking()
          INTERNAL: Potentially override the optimistic locking behavior
protected  void initializeWithAllSubclassesExpression()
          INTERNAL: Initialize the expression to use for queries to the class and its subclasses.
 boolean isChildDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Check if it is a child descriptor.
 boolean isJoinedStrategy()
          INTERNAL: Indicate whether a single table or joined inheritance strategy is being used.
 boolean isRootParentDescriptor()
          INTERNAL: Return whether or not is root parent descriptor
 void postInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: Initialized the inheritance properties that cannot be initialized until after the mappings have been.
 void preInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
          INTERNAL: Allow the inheritance properties of the descriptor to be initialized.
 void readSubclassesOnQueries()
          PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
 void remoteInitialization(DistributedSession session)
          INTERNAL: Used to initialize a remote descriptor.
protected  void removeChildren(ClassDescriptor descriptor, java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> classes, java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> subclasses)
          Remove all of the subclasses (and so on) from the set of classes.
 boolean requiresMultipleTableSubclassRead()
          INTERNAL: Return if this descriptor has children that define additional tables and needs to read them.
protected  java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
protected  java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
 java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor.
protected  org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select one rows from a abstract table descriptor.
protected  org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select one row of any concrete subclass, This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.
 org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
          INTERNAL: Select one row of any concrete subclass, This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.
protected  void setAllChildClassIndicators(java.util.Vector allChildClassIndicators)
 void setAlwaysUseOuterJoinForClassType(boolean choice)
          PUBLIC: Sets the inheritance policy to always use an outer join when querying across a relationship of class.
 void setChildDescriptors(java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> childDescriptors)
 void setClassExtractionMethodName(java.lang.String staticClassClassExtractionMethod)
          ADVANCED: A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
 void setClassExtractor(ClassExtractor classExtractor)
          ADVANCED: A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism.
 void setClassExtractorName(java.lang.String classExtractorName)
          ADVANCED: Set the class extractor class name.
 void setClassIndicatorAssociations(java.util.Vector classIndicatorAssociations)
          INTERNAL: Set the class indicator associations from reading the deployment XML.
 void setClassIndicatorField(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField classIndicatorField)
          ADVANCED: To set the class indicator field.
 void setClassIndicatorFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
          PUBLIC: To set the class indicator field name.
 void setClassIndicatorMapping(java.util.Map classIndicatorMapping)
          PUBLIC: Set the association of indicators and classes.
 void setClassNameIndicatorMapping(java.util.Map classNameIndicatorMapping)
          INTERNAL: Set the class name indicator mapping, used by the MW.
 void setDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses(boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses)
          ADVANCED: Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor e.g.
 void setDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
          INTERNAL: Set the descriptor.
 void setJoinedStrategy()
          INTERNAL: Used to indicate a JOINED inheritance strategy.
 void setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression onlyInstancesExpression)
          ADVANCED: Sets the expression used to select instance of the class only.
 void setParentClass(java.lang.Class parentClass)
          PUBLIC: Set the parent class.
 void setParentClassName(java.lang.String parentClassName)
          INTERNAL: Set the parent class name, used by MW to avoid referencing the real class for deployment XML generation.
 void setParentDescriptor(ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor)
protected  void setReadAllSubclassesView(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView)
          INTERNAL: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
 void setReadAllSubclassesViewName(java.lang.String readAllSubclassesViewName)
          ADVANCED: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables.
 void setShouldOuterJoinSubclasses(boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses)
          PUBLIC: Set if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.
 void setShouldReadSubclasses(boolean shouldReadSubclasses)
          PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
 void setShouldReadSubclasses(java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclasses)
          INTERNAL: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried.
 void setShouldUseClassNameAsIndicator(boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator)
          PUBLIC: Set if the descriptor uses the classes fully qualified name as the indicator.
 void setSingleTableStrategy()
          INTERNAL: Used to indicate a SINGLE_TABLE inheritance strategy.
 void setUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects(boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects)
          INTERNAL: Sets if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.
 void setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression withAllSubclassesExpression)
          ADVANCED: Sets the expression to be used for querying for a class and all its subclasses.
 boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin()
          PUBLIC: returns if the inheritance policy will always use an outerjoin when selecting class type
 boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses()
          PUBLIC: Return if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.
 boolean shouldReadSubclasses()
          PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.
 java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclassesValue()
          INTERNAL: Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.
 boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator()
          PUBLIC: Return true if the descriptor use the classes full name as the indicator.
 java.lang.String toString()
protected  void updateTables()
          INTERNAL: set the tables on the child descriptor overridden in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.QNameInheritancePolicy
 void useClassNameAsIndicator()
          PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to use the classes full name as the indicator.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.Class parentClass


protected java.lang.String parentClassName


protected ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor


protected java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> childDescriptors


protected transient org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField classIndicatorField


protected transient java.util.Map classIndicatorMapping


protected transient java.util.Map classNameIndicatorMapping


protected transient boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator


protected transient java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclasses


protected transient boolean hasMultipleTableChild


protected transient org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView


protected transient java.util.List<java.lang.Object> allChildClassIndicators


protected transient Expression onlyInstancesExpression


protected transient Expression withAllSubclassesExpression


protected transient java.util.Vector allTables


protected transient java.util.List<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> childrenTables


protected transient java.util.Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,Expression> childrenTablesJoinExpressions


protected transient Expression childrenJoinExpression


protected java.lang.String classExtractorName
Allow for class extraction method to be specified.


protected transient ClassExtractor classExtractor


protected ClassDescriptor descriptor


protected boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin


protected boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects


protected boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses
Define if an outer join should be used to read subclasses.


protected boolean isJoinedStrategy


protected ClassDescriptor rootParentDescriptor
PERF: Cache root descriptor.


protected boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses
Constructor Detail


public InheritancePolicy()
INTERNAL: Create a new policy. Only descriptors involved in inheritance should have a policy.


public InheritancePolicy(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
INTERNAL: Create a new policy. Only descriptors involved in inheritance should have a policy.

Method Detail


public void addChildDescriptor(ClassDescriptor childDescriptor)
INTERNAL: Add child descriptor to the parent descriptor.


protected void addChildTableJoinExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table,
                                           Expression expression)
INTERNAL: childrenTablesJoinExpressions, childrenTables, allTables and childrenJoinExpression are created simultaneously and kept in sync.


public void addChildTableJoinExpressionToAllParents(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable table,
                                                    Expression expression)
INTERNAL: call addChildTableJoinExpression on all parents


public void addClassIndicator(java.lang.Class childClass,
                              java.lang.Object typeValue)
PUBLIC: Add a class indicator for the root classes subclass. The indicator is used to determine the class to use for a row read from the database, and to query only instances of a class from the database. Every concrete persistent subclass must have a single unique indicator defined for it. If the root class is concrete then it must also define an indicator. Only the root class's descriptor of the entire inheritance hierarchy can define the class indicator mapping.


public void addClassNameIndicator(java.lang.String childClassName,
                                  java.lang.Object typeValue)
INTERNAL: Add the class name reference by class name, used by the MW.


public void addClassIndicatorFieldToInsertRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord databaseRow)
INTERNAL: Add abstract class indicator information to the database row. This is required when building a row for an insert or an update of a concrete child descriptor. This is only used to build a template row.


public void addClassIndicatorFieldToRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord databaseRow)
INTERNAL: Add abstract class indicator information to the database row. This is required when building a row for an insert or an update of a concrete child descriptor.


protected void addClassIndicatorTypeToParent(java.lang.Object indicator)
INTERNAL: Post initialize the child descriptors


protected void addFieldsToParent(java.util.Vector fields)
INTERNAL: Recursively adds fields to all the parents


public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement buildClassIndicatorSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
INTERNAL: Return a select statement that will be used to query the class indicators required to query. This is used in the abstract-multiple read.


public void appendWithAllSubclassesExpression(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement selectStatement)
INTERNAL: Append the branch with all subclasses expression to the statement.


public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement buildViewSelectStatement(ObjectLevelReadQuery query)
INTERNAL: Build a select statement for all subclasses on the view using the same selection criteria as the query.


public java.lang.Class classFromRow(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord rowFromDatabase,
                                    org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                             throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: This method is invoked only for the abstract descriptors.



public java.lang.Class classFromValue(java.lang.Object classFieldValue,
                                      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                               throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: This method is used to turn the a raw database field value classFieldValue into a Class object. Used to determine which class objects to build from database results, and for class type expression



public java.lang.Object clone()
INTERNAL: Clone the policy

clone in class java.lang.Object


public void convertClassNamesToClasses(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
INTERNAL: Convert all the class-name-based settings in this InheritancePolicy to actual class-based settings. This method is used when converting a project that has been built with class names to a project with classes. It will also convert referenced classes to the versions of the classes from the classLoader.


protected java.lang.Class convertClassNameToClass(java.lang.String className,
                                                  java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
INTERNAL: Convert the given className to an actual class.


public void dontReadSubclassesOnQueries()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to only read instance of itself when queried. This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries. By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.


public void dontUseClassNameAsIndicator()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor not to use the class' full name as the indicator. The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row. By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class name is desired. The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.


protected java.util.List<java.lang.Object> getAllChildClassIndicators()
INTERNAL: Stores class indicators for all child and children's children. Used for queries on branch classes only.


public java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getAllChildDescriptors()
INTERNAL: Returns all the child descriptors, even descriptors for subclasses of subclasses. Required for bug 3019934.


protected java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getAllChildDescriptors(java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> allChildDescriptors)
INTERNAL: Recursive subroutine of getAllChildDescriptors.


public java.util.List<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable> getChildrenTables()
INTERNAL: if reads subclasses, all tables for all read subclasses (indirect included).


public java.util.Map<org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable,Expression> getChildrenTablesJoinExpressions()
INTERNAL: join expression for each child table, keyed by the table


public Expression getChildrenJoinExpression()
INTERNAL: all expressions from childrenTablesJoinExpressions ANDed together


public java.util.Vector getAllTables()
INTERNAL: all tables for reference class plus childrenTables


public java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> getChildDescriptors()
INTERNAL: Return all the immediate child descriptors. Only descriptors from direct subclasses are returned.


protected java.lang.reflect.Method getClassExtractionMethod()
INTERNAL: Return all the classExtractionMethod


public java.lang.String getClassExtractionMethodName()
ADVANCED: A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism. This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field. The method registered must be a static method on the class which has that descriptor. The method must take a Record as an argument (for example, a DatabaseRecord), and must return the class to use for that record. This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database. It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required to determine the class from the record. If this method is used, then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition, the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.

See Also:
setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression), setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)


public ClassExtractor getClassExtractor()
ADVANCED: A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism. This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field. The instance registered must extend the ClassExtractor class and implement the extractClass(Map) method. The method must take database row (a Record/Map) as an argument and must return the class to use for that row. This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database. It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required to determine the class from the row, such as usage of a direct or transformation mapping for the type fields. If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition, the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.

See Also:
setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression), setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)


public void setClassExtractor(ClassExtractor classExtractor)
ADVANCED: A class extractor can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism. This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field. The instance registered must extend the ClassExtractor class and implement the extractClass(Map) method. The method must take database row (a Record/Map) as an argument and must return the class to use for that row. This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database. It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required to determine the class from the row, such as usage of a direct or transformation mapping for the type fields. If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition, the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be setup correctly.

See Also:
setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression), setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)


public void setClassExtractorName(java.lang.String classExtractorName)
ADVANCED: Set the class extractor class name. At descriptor initialize time this class will be converted to a Class and set as the ClassExtractor. This method is called from JPA.

See Also:
for more information on the ClassExtractor class.


public java.util.Vector getClassIndicatorAssociations()
INTERNAL: Return the class indicator associations for XML. List of class-name/value associations.


public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField getClassIndicatorField()
INTERNAL: Returns field that the class type indicator is store when using inheritance.


public java.lang.String getClassIndicatorFieldName()
PUBLIC: Return the class indicator field name. This is the name of the field in the table that stores what type of object this is.


public java.util.Map getClassIndicatorMapping()
INTERNAL: Return the association of indicators and classes using specified ConversionManager


public java.util.Map getClassNameIndicatorMapping()
INTERNAL: Return the mapping from class name to indicator, used by MW.


protected java.lang.Object getClassIndicatorValue()
INTERNAL: Returns value of the abstract class indicator for the Java class.


protected java.lang.Object getClassIndicatorValue(java.lang.Class javaClass)
INTERNAL: Returns the indicator field value for the given class If no abstract indicator mapping is specified, use the class name.


public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Returns the descriptor which the policy belongs to.


public boolean getDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses()
ADVANCED: Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor e.g. If Employee.class has a descriptor and EmployeeSubClass does not have a descriptor, if describesNonPersistenceSubclasses is true Employee's descriptor will be used as the descriptor for Employee


public Expression getOnlyInstancesExpression()
ADVANCED: Return the 'only instances expression'.


public java.lang.Class getParentClass()
PUBLIC: Return the parent class.


public java.lang.String getParentClassName()
INTERNAL: Return the parent class name.


public ClassDescriptor getParentDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Return the parent descriptor.


public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable getReadAllSubclassesView()
INTERNAL: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables. This view can do the outer join, we require the view because we cannot generate dynamic platform independent SQL for outer joins (i.e. not possible to do so either).


public java.lang.String getReadAllSubclassesViewName()
ADVANCED: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables. This view can use outer joins or unions to combine the results of selecting from all of the subclass tables. If a view is not given then TopLink must make an individual call for each subclass.


public ClassDescriptor getRootParentDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Return the root parent descriptor


public ClassDescriptor getSubclassDescriptor(java.lang.Class theClass)
INTERNAL: use aggregate in inheritance


public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(java.lang.Class theClass)
INTERNAL: Returns descriptor corresponding to the class owning the policy or its subclass - otherwise null.


public boolean getUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects()
INTERNAL: return if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.


public Expression getWithAllSubclassesExpression()
ADVANCED: Return the Expression which gets all subclasses.


public boolean hasChildren()
INTERNAL: Check if descriptor has children


public boolean hasClassExtractor()


public boolean hasClassIndicator()
INTERNAL: Checks if the class is involved in inheritance


public boolean hasMultipleTableChild()
INTERNAL: Return if any children of this descriptor require information from another table not specified at the parent level.


public boolean hasView()
INTERNAL: Return if a view is used for inheritance reads.


public void initialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
INTERNAL: Initialize the inheritance properties of the descriptor once the mappings are initialized. This is done before formal postInitialize during the end of mapping initialize.


protected void initializeClassExtractor(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                                 throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: Setup the default classExtractionMethod, or if one was specified by the user make sure it is valid.



protected void initializeOnlyInstancesExpression()
                                          throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: Initialize the expression to use to check the specific type field.



protected void initializeOptimisticLocking()
INTERNAL: Potentially override the optimistic locking behavior


protected void initializeWithAllSubclassesExpression()
                                              throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: Initialize the expression to use for queries to the class and its subclasses.



public boolean isChildDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Check if it is a child descriptor.


public boolean isJoinedStrategy()
INTERNAL: Indicate whether a single table or joined inheritance strategy is being used. Since we currently do not support TABLE_PER_CLASS, indicating either joined/not joined is sufficient.

isJoinedStrategy value


public boolean isRootParentDescriptor()
INTERNAL: Return whether or not is root parent descriptor


public void postInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
INTERNAL: Initialized the inheritance properties that cannot be initialized until after the mappings have been.


public void preInitialize(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
                   throws DescriptorException
INTERNAL: Allow the inheritance properties of the descriptor to be initialized. The descriptor's parent must first be initialized.



public void readSubclassesOnQueries()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried. This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries. By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.


public void remoteInitialization(DistributedSession session)
INTERNAL: Used to initialize a remote descriptor.


public boolean requiresMultipleTableSubclassRead()
INTERNAL: Return if this descriptor has children that define additional tables and needs to read them. This case requires a special read, because the query cannot be done through a single SQL call with normal joins.


protected java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
                                                                     throws DatabaseException
INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor. This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows. This does not optimize using type select, as the type information is not known.

vector containing database rows.
DatabaseException - - an error has occurred on the database.


protected java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
                                                                      throws DatabaseException,
INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor. This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows.

vector containing database rows.
DatabaseException - - an error has occurred on the database.


protected void removeChildren(ClassDescriptor descriptor,
                              java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> classes,
                              java.util.Set<java.lang.Class> subclasses)
Remove all of the subclasses (and so on) from the set of classes.


public java.util.Vector selectAllRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadAllQuery query)
                                                            throws DatabaseException
INTERNAL: Select all rows from a abstract table descriptor. This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes and then merging the rows.

vector containing database rows.
DatabaseException - - an error has occurred on the database.


protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingCustomMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
                                                                                                             throws DatabaseException
INTERNAL: Select one rows from a abstract table descriptor. This is accomplished by selecting for all of the concrete classes until a row is found. This does not optimize using type select, as the type information is not known.

DatabaseException - - an error has occurred on the database.


protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingDefaultMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
                                                                                                              throws DatabaseException,
INTERNAL: Select one row of any concrete subclass, This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.



public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord selectOneRowUsingMultipleTableSubclassRead(ReadObjectQuery query)
                                                                                                    throws DatabaseException,
INTERNAL: Select one row of any concrete subclass, This must use two selects, the first retrieves the type field only.



protected void setAllChildClassIndicators(java.util.Vector allChildClassIndicators)


public void setChildDescriptors(java.util.List<ClassDescriptor> childDescriptors)


public void setClassExtractionMethodName(java.lang.String staticClassClassExtractionMethod)
ADVANCED: A class extraction method can be registered with the descriptor to override the default inheritance mechanism. This allows for a user defined class indicator in place of providing an explicit class indicator field. The method registered must be a static method on the class which has that descriptor. The method must take Record as an argument (for example, a DatabaseRecord), and must return the class to use for that record. This method will be used to decide which class to instantiate when reading from the database. It is the application's responsibility to populate any typing information in the database required to determine the class from the record. If this method is used then the class indicator field and mapping cannot be used, and in addition, the descriptor's withAllSubclasses and onlyInstances expressions must also be set up correctly.

See Also:
setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression), setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression)


public void setClassIndicatorAssociations(java.util.Vector classIndicatorAssociations)
INTERNAL: Set the class indicator associations from reading the deployment XML.


public void setClassIndicatorField(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField classIndicatorField)
ADVANCED: To set the class indicator field. This can be used for advanced field types, such as XML nodes, or to set the field type.


public void setClassIndicatorFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: To set the class indicator field name. This is the name of the field in the table that stores what type of object this is.


public void setClassIndicatorMapping(java.util.Map classIndicatorMapping)
PUBLIC: Set the association of indicators and classes. This may be desired to be used by clients in strange inheritance models.


public void setClassNameIndicatorMapping(java.util.Map classNameIndicatorMapping)
INTERNAL: Set the class name indicator mapping, used by the MW.


public void setDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
INTERNAL: Set the descriptor.


public void setDescribesNonPersistentSubclasses(boolean describesNonPersistentSubclasses)
ADVANCED: Determines whether the descriptors using this inheritance policy should be used as descriptors for subclasses of the classes they describe if those subclasses do not have their own descriptor e.g. If Employee.class has a descriptor and EmployeeSubClass does not have a descriptor, if describesNonPersistenceSubclasses is true Employee's descriptor will be used as the descriptor for Employee

describesNonPersistenceSubclasses -


public void setJoinedStrategy()
INTERNAL: Used to indicate a JOINED inheritance strategy.


public void setOnlyInstancesExpression(Expression onlyInstancesExpression)
ADVANCED: Sets the expression used to select instance of the class only. Can be used to customize the inheritance class indicator expression.


public void setParentClass(java.lang.Class parentClass)
PUBLIC: Set the parent class. A descriptor can inherit from another descriptor through defining it as its parent. The root descriptor must define a class indicator field and mapping. All children must share the same table as their parent but can add additional tables. All children must share the root descriptor primary key.


public void setParentClassName(java.lang.String parentClassName)
INTERNAL: Set the parent class name, used by MW to avoid referencing the real class for deployment XML generation.


public void setParentDescriptor(ClassDescriptor parentDescriptor)


protected void setReadAllSubclassesView(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable readAllSubclassesView)
INTERNAL: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables. This view can do the outer join, we require the view because we cannot generate dynamic platform independent SQL for outer joins (i.e. not possible to do so either).


public void setReadAllSubclassesViewName(java.lang.String readAllSubclassesViewName)
ADVANCED: The view can be used to optimize/customize the query for all subclasses where they have multiple tables. This view can use outer joins or unions to combine the results of selecting from all of the subclass tables. If a view is not given then TopLink must make an individual call for each subclass.


public void setShouldReadSubclasses(java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclasses)
INTERNAL: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried. This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries. By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.


public void setShouldReadSubclasses(boolean shouldReadSubclasses)
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to read instance of itself and its subclasses when queried. This is used with inheritance to configure the result of queries. By default this is true for root inheritance descriptors, and false for all others.


public void setShouldUseClassNameAsIndicator(boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator)
PUBLIC: Set if the descriptor uses the classes fully qualified name as the indicator. The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row. By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class name is desired. The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.


public void setAlwaysUseOuterJoinForClassType(boolean choice)
PUBLIC: Sets the inheritance policy to always use an outer join when querying across a relationship of class. used when using getAllowingNull(), or anyOfAllowingNone()


public void setSingleTableStrategy()
INTERNAL: Used to indicate a SINGLE_TABLE inheritance strategy. Since only JOINED and SINGLE_TABLE strategies are supported at this time (no support for TABLE_PER_CLASS) using a !isJoinedStrategy an an indicator for SINGLE_TABLE is sufficient.


public void setUseDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects(boolean useDescriptorsToValidateInheritedObjects)
INTERNAL: Sets if we should use the descriptor inheritance to determine if an object can be returned from the identity map or not.


public void setWithAllSubclassesExpression(Expression withAllSubclassesExpression)
ADVANCED: Sets the expression to be used for querying for a class and all its subclasses. Can be used to customize the inheritance class indicator expression.


public boolean shouldReadSubclasses()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.


public java.lang.Boolean shouldReadSubclassesValue()
INTERNAL: Return true if this descriptor should read instances of itself and subclasses on queries.


public boolean shouldAlwaysUseOuterJoin()
PUBLIC: returns if the inheritance policy will always use an outerjoin when selecting class type


public boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses()
PUBLIC: Return if an outer join should be used to read subclasses. By default a separate query is done for each subclass when querying for a root or branch inheritance class that has subclasses that span multiple tables.


public void setShouldOuterJoinSubclasses(boolean shouldOuterJoinSubclasses)
PUBLIC: Set if an outer join should be used to read subclasses. By default a separate query is done for each subclass when querying for a root or branch inheritance class that has subclasses that span multiple tables.


public boolean shouldUseClassNameAsIndicator()
PUBLIC: Return true if the descriptor use the classes full name as the indicator. The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row. By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class name is desired. The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.


public java.lang.String toString()

toString in class java.lang.Object


protected void updateTables()
INTERNAL: set the tables on the child descriptor overridden in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.QNameInheritancePolicy


public void useClassNameAsIndicator()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to use the classes full name as the indicator. The class indicator is used with inheritance to determine the class from a row. By default a class indicator mapping is required, this can be set to true if usage of the class name is desired. The field must be of a large enough size to store the fully qualified class name.

EclipseLink 2.1.2, build 'v20101206-r8635' API Reference