Class TransportManager

Direct Known Subclasses:
BroadcastTransportManager, CORBATransportManager, RMITransportManager

public abstract class TransportManager extends Object

Purpose: Provide an abstract class that offers a common API to handling remote command connections.

Description: This class manages the remote connections to other RCM service instances and posts the local connection to this service instance in a name service so that other RCM service instances can connect to it.

Steven Vo
  • Field Details

    • localConnection

      protected org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection localConnection
      The remote command connection to this transport
    • rcm

      protected RemoteCommandManager rcm
      The RCM that manages this transport
    • namingServiceType

      protected int namingServiceType
      The type of naming service used to look up other connections
    • localContextProperties

      protected Hashtable localContextProperties
      Properties to obtain the context used for local JNDI access
    • remoteContextProperties

      protected Hashtable remoteContextProperties
      Properties to obtain the context used for remote JNDI access
    • shouldRemoveConnectionOnError

      protected boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnError
      Determines whether a connection should be discarded if an error occurs on it
    • connectionsToExternalServices

      protected Hashtable<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection> connectionsToExternalServices
      Connections to other services
    • securableObjectHolder

      protected securableObjectHolder
      Security util that is used to decrypt and encrypt password

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_REMOVE_CONNECTION_ON_ERROR_MODE
      See Also:

      public static final int JNDI_NAMING_SERVICE
      Valid values for naming service type
      See Also:

      public static final int REGISTRY_NAMING_SERVICE
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_URL_PROTOCOL
      Defaults for RMI applications
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_IIOP_URL_PROTOCOL
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_URL_PORT
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_IIOP_URL_PORT
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_NAMING_SERVICE
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FACTORY
      Default JNDI properties for remote access
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_DEDICATED_CONNECTION_KEY
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_DEDICATED_CONNECTION_VALUE
      See Also:

      public static final String DEFAULT_USER_NAME
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TransportManager

      public TransportManager()
  • Method Details

    • createConnection

      public abstract org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection createConnection(ServiceId serviceId)
      INTERNAL: Return a remote connection to the specified service
    • createConnections

      public void createConnections()
      INTERNAL: Does nothing by default. In case TransportManager doesn't use DiscoveryManager (createDiscoveryManager method retuns null) this method called during RCM initialization to create all the necessary connections. TransportManager ancestors that override createDiscoveryManager method to return null must override this method, too.
    • connectBackToRemote

      public void connectBackToRemote(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection connection) throws Exception
      INTERNAL: This method is called by the remote command manager when this service should connect back ('handshake') to the service from which this remote connection came.
    • getConnectionToLocalHost

      public org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection getConnectionToLocalHost()
      INTERNAL: Return a remote connection to this service
    • createLocalConnection

      public abstract void createLocalConnection()
      INTERNAL: Put the remote connection to local host in naming service and return the of the created remote connection
    • getNamingServiceType

      public int getNamingServiceType()
      PUBLIC: Return the type of naming service used to look up remote connections to other service instances.
      The type of naming service used.
    • setNamingServiceType

      public void setNamingServiceType(int serviceType)
      ADVANCED: Set the type of naming service used to look up remote connections to other service instances. The service type must be one of JNDI_NAMING_SERVICE or REGISTRY_NAMING_SERVICE.
    • getUserName

      public String getUserName()
      PUBLIC: Return the user name used as the value to the SECURITY_PRINCIPAL key in the cached context properties.
    • setUserName

      public void setUserName(String userName)
      ADVANCED: Set the user name used as the value to the SECURITY_PRINCIPAL key in the cached context properties.
    • getPassword

      public String getPassword()
      PUBLIC: Return the password used as the value to the SECURITY_CREDENTIALS key in the cached context properties.
    • getEncryptedPassword

      public String getEncryptedPassword()
      PUBLIC: Return the encrypted (assumed) password used as the value to the SECURITY_CREDENTIALS key in the cached context properties.
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
      ADVANCED: Set the password used as the value to the SECURITY_CREDENTIALS key in the cached context properties.
    • setEncryptedPassword

      public void setEncryptedPassword(String encryptedPassword)
      ADVANCED: Set the encrypted password used as the value to the SECURITY_CREDENTIALS key in the cached context properties.
    • getInitialContextFactoryName

      public String getInitialContextFactoryName()
      PUBLIC: Return the context factory name used as the value to the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key in the cached context properties.
    • setInitialContextFactoryName

      public void setInitialContextFactoryName(String contextFactoryName)
      ADVANCED: Set the context factory name used as the value to the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY key in the cached context properties.
    • getContext

      public Context getContext(Hashtable contextProperties)
      INTERNAL: Helper method to get a naming context.
    • getRemoteContextProperties

      public Hashtable getRemoteContextProperties()
      ADVANCED: Return the cached properties that will be used to create the initial context when doing remote JNDI lookups.
    • setRemoteContextProperties

      public void setRemoteContextProperties(Hashtable properties)
      ADVANCED: Set the cached properties that will be used to create the initial context when doing remote JNDI lookups.
    • getLocalContextProperties

      public Hashtable getLocalContextProperties()
      ADVANCED: Return the properties that will be used to create the initial context for local JNDI access.
    • setLocalContextProperties

      public void setLocalContextProperties(Hashtable properties)
      ADVANCED: Set the properties that will be used to create the initial context for local JNDI access.
    • getRemoteCommandManager

      public RemoteCommandManager getRemoteCommandManager()
    • setRemoteCommandManager

      public void setRemoteCommandManager(RemoteCommandManager rcm)
    • addConnectionToExternalService

      public void addConnectionToExternalService(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection connection)
      INTERNAL: Add a remote Connection to a remote service.
    • removeConnectionToExternalService

      public void removeConnectionToExternalService(org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection connection)
      INTERNAL: Remove a remote connection from the list of connections to receive remote commands.
    • removeAllConnectionsToExternalServices

      public void removeAllConnectionsToExternalServices()
      INTERNAL: Remove all remote connections from the list.
    • getConnectionsToExternalServices

      public Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection> getConnectionsToExternalServices()
    • getConnectionsToExternalServicesForCommandPropagation

      public Map<String,org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.RemoteConnection> getConnectionsToExternalServicesForCommandPropagation()
      INTERNAL: Returns clone of the original map.
    • setShouldRemoveConnectionOnError

      public void setShouldRemoveConnectionOnError(boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnError)
      PUBLIC: Set whether connections to remote services should be disconnected when an error occurs.
    • shouldRemoveConnectionOnError

      public boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnError()
      PUBLIC: Return whether connections to remote services should be disconnected when an error occurs.
    • setEncryptionClassName

      public void setEncryptionClassName(String encryptionClassName)
      INTERNAL SECURITY: Set encryption class that will be loaded by the SecurableObjectHolder
    • hasPassword

      protected boolean hasPassword()
      true if a non null password has been set.
    • initialize

      public void initialize()
      INTERNAL: Initialize default properties.
    • encrypt

      protected String encrypt(String pwd)
      INTERNAL: Security method.
    • decrypt

      protected String decrypt(String encryptedPwd)
      INTERNAL: Security method called by the children classes
    • getRemoteHostContext

      public Context getRemoteHostContext(String remoteHostURL)
      INTERNAL: Return the context used for looking up in the JNDI space of the specified remote URL.
    • createDiscoveryManager

      public DiscoveryManager createDiscoveryManager()
      ADVANCED: Factory of new DiscoveryManager for different transports. The RemoteCommandManger uses this method to create its DicscoveryManager. Sub-class of TransportManager should return special discovery if required. The default is discovery type is DiscoveryManager; If this method returns null then during initialization RemoteCommandManager calls createConnections method.
    • discardConnections

      public void discardConnections()
      INTERNAL: Remove all remote connections for its list and the local connection from JNDI or JMS Subsriber
    • removeLocalConnection

      public abstract void removeLocalConnection()
      ADVANCED: Remove the local connection from remote accesses. The implementation should set remove the local connection from JNDI or JMS and set it to null. This method is invoked internally by TopLink when the RCM is shutdown and should not be invoked by user's application.
    • setConfig

      public void setConfig(String config)
      Generic API to allow config to be set.
    • newSunCORBATransportManager

      public static TransportManager newSunCORBATransportManager(RemoteCommandManager rcm)
      INTERNAL: Creates a new instance of org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.rmi.RMITransportManager class.
      rcm - cache coordination manager
      new instance of RMI transport manager implementation