Direct Known Subclasses:
FieldInsnNode, FrameNode, IincInsnNode, InsnNode, IntInsnNode, InvokeDynamicInsnNode, JumpInsnNode, LabelNode, LdcInsnNode, LineNumberNode, LookupSwitchInsnNode, MethodInsnNode, MultiANewArrayInsnNode, TableSwitchInsnNode, TypeInsnNode, VarInsnNode

public abstract class AbstractInsnNode extends Object
A node that represents a bytecode instruction. An instruction can appear at most once in at most one InsnList at a time.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractInsnNode

      protected AbstractInsnNode(int opcode)
      Constructs a new AbstractInsnNode.
      opcode - the opcode of the instruction to be constructed.
  • Method Details

    • getOpcode

      public int getOpcode()
      Returns the opcode of this instruction.
      the opcode of this instruction, or -1 if this is not a JVM instruction (e.g. a label or a line number).
    • getType

      public abstract int getType()
      Returns the type of this instruction.
      the type of this instruction, i.e. one the constants defined in this class.
    • getPrevious

      public AbstractInsnNode getPrevious()
      Returns the previous instruction in the list to which this instruction belongs, if any.
      the previous instruction in the list to which this instruction belongs, if any. May be null.
    • getNext

      public AbstractInsnNode getNext()
      Returns the next instruction in the list to which this instruction belongs, if any.
      the next instruction in the list to which this instruction belongs, if any. May be null.
    • accept

      public abstract void accept(MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Makes the given method visitor visit this instruction.
      methodVisitor - a method visitor.
    • acceptAnnotations

      protected final void acceptAnnotations(MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Makes the given visitor visit the annotations of this instruction.
      methodVisitor - a method visitor.
    • clone

      public abstract AbstractInsnNode clone(Map<LabelNode,LabelNode> clonedLabels)
      Returns a copy of this instruction.
      clonedLabels - a map from LabelNodes to cloned LabelNodes.
      a copy of this instruction. The returned instruction does not belong to any InsnList.
    • cloneAnnotations

      protected final AbstractInsnNode cloneAnnotations(AbstractInsnNode insnNode)
      Clones the annotations of the given instruction into this instruction.
      insnNode - the source instruction.
      this instruction.