
public class LdcInsnNode extends AbstractInsnNode
A node that represents an LDC instruction.
  • Field Details

    • cst

      public Object cst
      The constant to be loaded on the stack. This field must be a non null Integer, a Float, a Long, a Double, a String, a Type of OBJECT or ARRAY sort for .class constants, for classes whose version is 49, a Type of METHOD sort for MethodType, a Handle for MethodHandle constants, for classes whose version is 51 or a ConstantDynamic for a constant dynamic for classes whose version is 55.
  • Constructor Details

    • LdcInsnNode

      public LdcInsnNode(Object value)
      Constructs a new LdcInsnNode.
      value - the constant to be loaded on the stack. This parameter mist be a non null Integer, a Float, a Long, a Double, a String, a Type of OBJECT or ARRAY sort for .class constants, for classes whose version is 49, a Type of METHOD sort for MethodType, a Handle for MethodHandle constants, for classes whose version is 51 or a ConstantDynamic for a constant dynamic for classes whose version is 55.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public int getType()
      Description copied from class: AbstractInsnNode
      Returns the type of this instruction.
      Specified by:
      getType in class AbstractInsnNode
      the type of this instruction, i.e. one the constants defined in this class.
    • accept

      public void accept(MethodVisitor methodVisitor)
      Description copied from class: AbstractInsnNode
      Makes the given method visitor visit this instruction.
      Specified by:
      accept in class AbstractInsnNode
      methodVisitor - a method visitor.
    • clone

      public AbstractInsnNode clone(Map<LabelNode,LabelNode> clonedLabels)
      Description copied from class: AbstractInsnNode
      Returns a copy of this instruction.
      Specified by:
      clone in class AbstractInsnNode
      clonedLabels - a map from LabelNodes to cloned LabelNodes.
      a copy of this instruction. The returned instruction does not belong to any InsnList.