Interface Unmarshaller.Listener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JAXBUnmarshalListener, SDOCSUnmarshalListener, SDOUnmarshalListener
Enclosing class:
Unmarshaller<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,CONTEXT extends Context,DESCRIPTOR extends Descriptor,ID_RESOLVER extends IDResolver,MEDIA_TYPE extends MediaType,ROOT extends Root,UNMARSHALLER_HANDLER extends UnmarshallerHandler,UNMARSHALLER_LISTENER extends Unmarshaller.Listener>

public static interface Unmarshaller.Listener

An implementation of UnmarshalListener can be set on an Unmarshaller to provide additional behaviour during unmarshal operations.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    afterUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent)
    Event that will be called after objects are unmarshalled.
    beforeUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent)
    Event that will be called before objects are unmarshalled.
  • Method Details

    • afterUnmarshal

      void afterUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent)
      Event that will be called after objects are unmarshalled.
      target - the object that was unmarshalled.
      parent - the owning object of the object that was unmarshalled. This may be null.
    • beforeUnmarshal

      void beforeUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent)
      Event that will be called before objects are unmarshalled.
      target - A newly created instance of the object to be unmarshalled.
      parent - the owning object of the object that will be unmarshalled. This may be null.