Class Unmarshaller<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,CONTEXT extends Context,DESCRIPTOR extends Descriptor,ID_RESOLVER extends IDResolver,MEDIA_TYPE extends MediaType,ROOT extends Root,UNMARSHALLER_HANDLER extends UnmarshallerHandler,UNMARSHALLER_LISTENER extends Unmarshaller.Listener>

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class Unmarshaller<ABSTRACT_SESSION extends CoreAbstractSession,CONTEXT extends Context,DESCRIPTOR extends Descriptor,ID_RESOLVER extends IDResolver,MEDIA_TYPE extends MediaType,ROOT extends Root,UNMARSHALLER_HANDLER extends UnmarshallerHandler,UNMARSHALLER_LISTENER extends Unmarshaller.Listener> extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Unmarshaller

      protected Unmarshaller(CONTEXT context)
    • Unmarshaller

      protected Unmarshaller(Unmarshaller unmarshaller)
      Copy constructor
  • Method Details

    • createRoot

      public abstract ROOT createRoot()
    • createRootUnmarshalRecord

      public abstract UnmarshalRecord createRootUnmarshalRecord(Class<?> clazz)
    • createUnmarshalRecord

      public abstract UnmarshalRecord createUnmarshalRecord(DESCRIPTOR descriptor, ABSTRACT_SESSION session)
    • getAttachmentUnmarshaller

      public abstract XMLAttachmentUnmarshaller getAttachmentUnmarshaller()
    • getAttributePrefix

      public abstract String getAttributePrefix()
      Value that will be used to prefix attributes. Ignored unmarshalling XML.
    • getContext

      public CONTEXT getContext()
      Return the instance of XMLContext that was used to create this instance of Unmarshaller.
    • getErrorHandler

      public abstract ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
      Get the ErrorHandler set on this Unmarshaller
      the ErrorHandler set on this Unmarshaller
    • getIDResolver

      public abstract ID_RESOLVER getIDResolver()
      Return this Unmarshaller's custom IDResolver.
      the custom IDResolver, or null if one has not been specified.
      See Also:
    • getMediaType

      public abstract MEDIA_TYPE getMediaType()
      Get the MediaType for this unmarshaller. See org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.MediaType for the media types supported by EclipseLink MOXy If not set the default is MediaType.APPLICATION_XML
    • getNamespaceResolver

      public abstract NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver()
      Name of the NamespaceResolver to be used during unmarshal Ignored unmarshalling XML.
    • getNamespaceSeparator

      public abstract char getNamespaceSeparator()
      Get the namespace separator used during unmarshal operations. If mediaType is application/json '.' is the default Ignored unmarshalling XML.
    • getProperty

      public abstract Object getProperty(Object key)
      Return the property for a given key, if one exists.
    • getSchema

      public abstract Schema getSchema()
    • getStringBuffer

      public abstract StrBuffer getStringBuffer()
      INTERNAL: This is the text handler during unmarshal operations.
    • getUnmappedContentHandlerClass

      public abstract Class<?> getUnmappedContentHandlerClass()
      Get the class that will be instantiated to handled unmapped content Class must implement the org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.unmapped.UnmappedContentHandler interface
    • getUnmarshalAttributeGroup

      public abstract Object getUnmarshalAttributeGroup()
      INTERNAL: Returns the AttributeGroup or the name of the AttributeGroup to be used to unmarshal.
    • getUnmarshallerHandler

      public abstract UNMARSHALLER_HANDLER getUnmarshallerHandler()
    • getUnmarshalListener

      public UNMARSHALLER_LISTENER getUnmarshalListener()
    • getValueWrapper

      public abstract String getValueWrapper()
      Name of the property to marshal/unmarshal as a wrapper on the text() mappings Ignored unmarshalling XML.
    • isApplicationJSON

      public abstract boolean isApplicationJSON()
      true if the media type is application/json, else false.
      EclipseLink 2.6.0
    • isApplicationXML

      public abstract boolean isApplicationXML()
      true if the media type is application/xml, else false.
      EclipseLink 2.6.0
    • isAutoDetectMediaType

      public abstract boolean isAutoDetectMediaType()
      Return if this Unmarshaller should try to automatically determine the MediaType of the document (instead of using the MediaType set by setMediaType)
    • isCaseInsensitive

      public abstract boolean isCaseInsensitive()
      Return whether this Unmarshaller should perform case insensitive unmarshalling.
    • isIncludeRoot

      public abstract boolean isIncludeRoot()
      Determine if the @XMLRootElement should be marshalled when present. Ignored unmarshalling XML.
    • isResultAlwaysXMLRoot

      public abstract boolean isResultAlwaysXMLRoot()
    • isWrapperAsCollectionName

      public abstract boolean isWrapperAsCollectionName()
    • setIDResolver

      public abstract void setIDResolver(ID_RESOLVER idResolver)
    • shouldWarnOnUnmappedElement

      public abstract boolean shouldWarnOnUnmappedElement()
    • setUnmarshalListener

      public void setUnmarshalListener(UNMARSHALLER_LISTENER unmarshalListener)
    • getJsonTypeConfiguration

      public abstract JsonTypeConfiguration getJsonTypeConfiguration()
      Returns json type configuration.
      json type configuration