All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FieldResult extends Object implements Serializable

Purpose: Concrete class to represent the FieldResult structure as defined by the EJB 3.0 Persistence specification. This class is a subcomponent of the EntityResult.

TopLink Java Essentials
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • attributeName

      protected String attributeName
      Stores the name of the bean attribute
    • multipleFieldIdentifiers

      protected String[] multipleFieldIdentifiers
      Stores passed in field name split on the '.' character
    • column

      protected DatabaseField column
      Stores the Columns name from the result set that contains the attribute value
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getAttributeName

      public String getAttributeName()
    • getColumn

      public DatabaseField getColumn()
    • getValueFromRecord

      public Object getValueFromRecord(DatabaseRecord record)
      INTERNAL: This method is a convenience method for extracting values from Results
    • getFieldResults

      public Vector<FieldResult> getFieldResults()
    • getMultipleFieldIdentifiers

      public String[] getMultipleFieldIdentifiers()
    • add

      public void add(FieldResult newFieldResult)
      INTERNAL: This method is used to support mapping multiple fields, fields are concatenated/added to one fieldResult.