Class AbstractSelectStatementStateObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SelectStatementStateObject, SimpleSelectStatementStateObject

public abstract class AbstractSelectStatementStateObject extends AbstractStateObject
This state object represents the select statement, which has at least a SELECT clause and a FROM clause.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String GROUP_BY_CLAUSE_PROPERTY
      Notify the state object representing the GROUP BY clause has changed.
      See Also:

      public static final String HAVING_CLAUSE_PROPERTY
      Notify the state object representing the HAVING clause has changed.
      See Also:

      public static final String WHERE_CLAUSE_PROPERTY
      Notify the state object representing the WHERE clause has changed.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSelectStatementStateObject

      protected AbstractSelectStatementStateObject(StateObject parent)
      Creates a new AbstractSelectStatementStateObject.
      parent - The parent of this state object, which cannot be null
      NullPointerException - The given parent cannot be null
  • Method Details

    • addChildren

      protected void addChildren(List<StateObject> children)
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Adds the children of this StateObject to the given list.
      addChildren in class AbstractStateObject
      children - The list used to store the children
    • addCollectionDeclaration

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject addCollectionDeclaration()
      Adds a new collection declaration to the FROM clause.
      The CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject representing the collection declaration
    • addCollectionDeclaration

      public CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject addCollectionDeclaration(String collectionValuedPath, String identificationVariable)
      Adds a new collection declaration to the FROM clause.
      collectionValuedPath - The collection-valued path expression
      identificationVariable - The variable defining the collection-valued path expression
      The CollectionMemberDeclarationStateObject representing the collection declaration
    • addGroupByClause

      public GroupByClauseStateObject addGroupByClause()
      Adds the GROUP BY clause. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      The GroupByClauseStateObject
    • addGroupByClause

      public GroupByClauseStateObject addGroupByClause(String jpqlFragment)
      Adds the GROUP BY clause and parses the given JPQL fragment. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      jpqlFragment - The fragment of the JPQL to parse that represents the group by items, the fragment cannot start with GROUP BY
      The GroupByClauseStateObject
    • addHavingClause

      public HavingClauseStateObject addHavingClause()
      Adds the HAVING clause. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      The GroupByClauseStateObject
    • addHavingClause

      public HavingClauseStateObject addHavingClause(String jpqlFragment)
      Adds the HAVING clause and parses the given JPQL fragment. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      jpqlFragment - The fragment of the JPQL to parse that represents the conditional expression, the fragment cannot start with HAVING
      The HavingClauseStateObject
    • addRangeDeclaration

      public IdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject addRangeDeclaration()
      Adds a new range variable declaration to the FROM clause.
      The StateObject representing the new range variable declaration
    • addRangeDeclaration

      public IdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject addRangeDeclaration(IEntity entity, String identificationVariable)
      Adds to this select statement a new range variable declaration.
      entity - The external form of the entity to add to the declaration list
      identificationVariable - The unique identifier identifying the given IEntity
      The StateObject representing the new range variable declaration
    • addRangeDeclaration

      public IdentificationVariableDeclarationStateObject addRangeDeclaration(String entityName, String identificationVariable)
      Adds to this select statement a new range variable declaration.
      entityName - The name of the entity
      identificationVariable - The unique identifier identifying the entity
      The StateObject representing the range variable declaration
    • addWhereClause

      public WhereClauseStateObject addWhereClause()
      Adds the WHERE clause. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      The GroupByClauseStateObject
    • addWhereClause

      public WhereClauseStateObject addWhereClause(String jpqlFragment)
      Adds the WHERE clause and parses the given JPQL fragment. The clause is not added if it's already present.
      jpqlFragment - The fragment of the JPQL to parse that represents the conditional expression, the fragment cannot start with WHERE
      The WhereClauseStateObject
    • buildFromClause

      protected abstract AbstractFromClauseStateObject buildFromClause()
      Creates the state object representing the FROM clause.
      A concrete instance of AbstractFromClauseStateObject
    • buildSelectClause

      protected abstract AbstractSelectClauseStateObject buildSelectClause()
      Creates the state object representing the SELECT clause.
      A concrete instance of AbstractSelectClauseStateObject
    • declarations

      public ListIterable<? extends VariableDeclarationStateObject> declarations()
      Returns the list of VariableDeclarationStateObject defining the variable declarations, which are mapping an entity to a variable or a collection-valued member to a variable.


      • Employee e
      • IN (e.employees) AS emps
      The list of VariableDeclarationStateObject
    • findIdentificationVariable

      public IdentificationVariableStateObject findIdentificationVariable(String identificationVariable)
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Returns the IdentificationVariableStateObject representing the given identification variable.
      Specified by:
      findIdentificationVariable in interface StateObject
      findIdentificationVariable in class AbstractStateObject
      identificationVariable - The name of the identification variable to retrieve its state object
      The IdentificationVariableStateObject defining the given identification variable
    • getDeclaration

      public DeclarationStateObject getDeclaration()
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Returns the declaration clause which defines the domain of the query by declaring identification variables.
      Specified by:
      getDeclaration in interface StateObject
      getDeclaration in class AbstractStateObject
      The declaration clause of which this StateObject is a child; i.e. either the top-level declaration if this is part of the top query or the sub-level declaration if this is part of a subquery
    • getExpression

      public AbstractSelectStatement getExpression()
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Returns the actual parsed object if this StateObject representation of the JPQL query was created by parsing an existing JPQL query.
      Specified by:
      getExpression in interface StateObject
      getExpression in class AbstractStateObject
      The parsed object when a JPQL query is parsed and converted into a StateObject or null when the JPQL query is manually created (i.e. not from a string)
    • getFromClause

      public AbstractFromClauseStateObject getFromClause()
      Returns the state object representing the FROM clause.
      The state object representing the FROM clause, which is never null
    • getGroupByClause

      public GroupByClauseStateObject getGroupByClause()
      Returns the state object representing the GROUP BY clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the GROUP BY clause or null if it's not present
    • getHavingClause

      public HavingClauseStateObject getHavingClause()
      Returns the state object representing the HAVING clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the HAVING clause or null if it's not present
    • getSelectClause

      public AbstractSelectClauseStateObject getSelectClause()
      Returns the state object representing the SELECT clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the SELECT clause, which is never null
    • getWhereClause

      public WhereClauseStateObject getWhereClause()
      Returns the state object representing the WHERE clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the WHERE clause or the null state object since null is never returned
    • hasGroupByClause

      public boolean hasGroupByClause()
      Returns the state object representing the GROUP BY clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the GROUP BY clause or null if it's not present
    • hasHavingClause

      public boolean hasHavingClause()
      Returns the state object representing the HAVING clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the HAVING clause or null if it's not present
    • hasWhereClause

      public boolean hasWhereClause()
      Returns the state object representing the WHERE clause.
      Either the actual state object representing the WHERE clause or null if it's not present
    • identificationVariables

      public Iterable<IdentificationVariableStateObject> identificationVariables()
      Returns the IdentificationVariableStateObjects holding onto the identification variables, which are the variables defined in the FROM clause.


      • Employee e; e is returned
      • IN (e.employees) AS emps; emps is returned
      • Manager m JOIN m.employees emps; m and emps are returned
      The list of IdentificationVariableStateObjects
    • initialize

      protected void initialize()
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Initializes this state object.
      initialize in class AbstractStateObject
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(StateObject stateObject)
      Description copied from interface: StateObject
      Determines whether the given StateObject is equivalent to this one, i.e. the information of both StateObject is the same.
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface StateObject
      isEquivalent in class AbstractStateObject
      stateObject - The StateObject to compare its content to this one
      true if both object are equivalent; false otherwise
    • parseSelect

      public void parseSelect(String jpqlFragment)
      Parses the given JPQL fragment and create the select item. For the top-level query, the fragment can contain several select items but for a subquery, it can represent only one.
      jpqlFragment - The portion of the query representing one or several select items
    • removeGroupByClause

      public void removeGroupByClause()
      Removes the GROUP BY clause.
    • removeHavingClause

      public void removeHavingClause()
      Removes the HAVING clause.
    • removeWhereClause

      public void removeWhereClause()
      Removes the WHERE clause.
    • toggleGroupByClause

      public void toggleGroupByClause()
      Either adds or removes the state object representing the GROUP BY clause.
    • toggleHavingClause

      public void toggleHavingClause()
      Either adds or removes the state object representing the HAVING clause.
    • toggleWhereClause

      public void toggleWhereClause()
      Either adds or removes the state object representing the WHERE clause.
    • toTextInternal

      protected void toTextInternal(Appendable writer) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: AbstractStateObject
      Prints out a string representation of this StateObject, which should not be used to define a true string representation of a JPQL query but should be used for debugging purposes.
      Specified by:
      toTextInternal in class AbstractStateObject
      writer - The writer used to print out the string representation
      IOException - This should never happens, it is only required because Appendable is used instead of any concrete class