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Epsilon and Capella

Capella is an industrial-grade MBSE workbench for systems, software and harware architects. As Capella is built on EMF and Sirius, Epsilon's EMF driver can be used to query, validate and transform Capella models. To install Epsilon on top of Capella, you can use Epsilon's update site and install (at least) the features under the Epsilon Core and Epsilon EMF Integration categories, as shown below.

You can then use Epsilon's languages to write validation constraints, transformations etc. as you would do with any EMF-based model. For example, the following EVL critique checks that all functions (instances of AbstractFunction) in a Capella model start with an upper-case letter.

context AbstractFunction {

    critique StartsWithUpperCase {

        check : ==

        message : self.eClass().name + " " + + 
            " should start with an upper-case letter"

        fix {
            title: "Rename to " +
            do {

To be able to run Epsilon programs such as the one above from Capella, you need to turn on the Developers capability from the Preferences dialog as shown below.