The Epsilon Transformation Language (ETL)¶
The aim of ETL is to contribute model-to-model transformation capabilities to Epsilon. More specifically, ETL can be used to transform an arbitrary number of input models into an arbitrary number of output models of different modelling languages and technologies in a rule-based and modular manner.
Try ETL online
You can run and fiddle with an ETL transformation that transforms a tree model to a graph model in the online Epsilon Playground.
Abstract Syntax¶
As illustrated in the figure below, ETL transformations are organized in modules (EtlModule
). A module can contain a number of transformation rules (TransformRule
). Each rule has a unique name (in the context of the module) and also specifies one source
and many target
parameters. A transformation rule can also extend
a number of other transformation rules and be declared as abstract
, primary
and/or lazy
1. To limit its applicability to a subset of elements that conform to the type of the source
parameter, a rule can optionally define a guard which is either an EOL expression or a block of EOL statements. Finally, each rule defines a block of EOL statements (body
) where the logic for populating the property values of the target model elements is specified.
Besides transformation rules, an ETL module can also optionally contain a number of pre
and post
named blocks of EOL statements which, as discussed later, are executed before and after the transformation rules respectively. These should not be confused with the pre-/post-condition annotations available for EOL user-defined operations.
class TransformRule {
-name: String
-abstract: Boolean
-lazy: Boolean
-primary: Boolean
-greedy: Boolean
-type: EolModelElementType
-guard: ExecutableBlock<Boolean>
-body: ExecutableBlock<Void>
class Parameter {
-name: String
-type: EolType
class NamedStatementBlockRule {
-name: String
-body: StatementBlock
EolModule <|-- ErlModule
EtlModule --|> ErlModule
Pre --|> NamedStatementBlockRule
Post --|> NamedStatementBlockRule
ErlModule -- Pre: pre *
ErlModule -- Post: post *
EtlModule -- TransformRule: rules *
TransformRule -- Parameter: source
TransformRule -- Parameter: targets *
TransformRule -- TransformRule: extends *
Concrete Syntax¶
The concrete syntax of a transformation rule is displayed in the listing below. The optional abstract
, lazy
and primary
attributes of the rule are specified using respective annotations. The name of the rule follows the rule
keyword and the source
and target
parameters are defined after the transform
and to
keywords. Also, the rule can define an optional comma-separated list of rules it extends after the extends
keyword. Inside the curly braces ({}), the rule can optionally specify its guard
either as an EOL expression following a colon (:) (for simple guards) or as a block of statements in curly braces (for more complex guards). Finally, the body
of the rule is specified as a sequence of EOL statements.
rule <name>
transform <sourceParameterName>:<sourceParameterType>
to <targetParameterName>:<targetParameterType>
(extends <ruleName> (, <ruleName>*)? {
(guard (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
and post
blocks have a simple syntax that, as presented the listing below, consists of the identifier (pre
or post
), an optional name and the set of statements to be executed enclosed in curly braces.
(pre|post) <name> {
Execution Semantics¶
Rule and Block Overriding¶
Similarly to EOL, an ETL module can import a number of other ETL modules. In this case, the importing ETL module inherits all the rules and pre/post blocks specified in the modules it imports (recursively). If the module specifies a rule or a pre/post block with the same name, the local rule/block overrides the imported one respectively.
Rule Execution Scheduling¶
When an ETL module is executed, the pre
blocks of the module are executed first in the order in which they have been specified.
Following that, each non-abstract and non-lazy rule is executed for all the elements on which it is applicable. To be applicable on a particular element, the element must have a type-of relationship with the type defined in the rule's sourceParameter
(or a kind-of relationship if the rule is annotated as @greedy
) and must also satisfy the guard
of the rule (and all the rules it extends). When a rule is executed on an applicable element, the target elements are initially created by instantiating the targetParameters
of the rules, and then their contents are populated using the EOL statements of the body
of the rule.
Finally, when all rules have been executed, the post
blocks of the module are executed in the order in which they have been declared.
Source Elements Resolution¶
Resolving target elements that have been (or can be) transformed from source elements by other rules is a frequent task in the body of a transformation rule. To automate this task and reduce coupling between rules, ETL contributes the equivalents()
and equivalent()
built-in operations that automatically resolve source elements to their transformed counterparts in the target models.
The equivalents()
operation can be invoked on both single source elements and on collections of source elements:
On a single source element, it inspects the established transformation trace (displayed in the figure below) and invokes the applicable rules (if necessary) to calculate the counterparts of the element in the target model.
On a collection, it returns a
s that in turn contain the counterparts of the source elements contained in the collection.
The equivalents()
operation can be also invoked with an arbitrary number of rule names as parameters, to invoke and return only the equivalents created by specific rules. Unlike the main execution scheduling scheme discussed above, the equivalents()
operation invokes both lazy and non-lazy rules. It is worth noting that lazy rules are computationally expensive and should be used with caution as they can significantly degrade the performance of the overall transformation.
With regard to the ordering of the results of the equivalents()
operations, the returned elements appear in the respective order of the rules that have created them. An exception to this occurs when one of the rules is declared as primary
, in which case its results precede the results of all other rules.
class Transformation {
-source: Object
-targets: Object[*]
class ITransformationStrategy {
+transformModels(context : EtlContext)
EolContext <|-- EtlContext
EtlContext -- TransformationTrace
EtlContext -- ITransformationStrategy: strategy
TransformationTrace -- Transformation: transformations *
Transformation -- TransformRule: rule
ETL also provides the convenient equivalent()
- When applied to a single element,
returns only the first element of the respective result that would have been returned by theequivalents()
operation discussed above. - When applied to a collection, the
operation returns a flattened version (i.e. aBag
of model elements) of theBag
would have returned.
As with the equivalents()
operation, the equivalent()
operation can also be invoked with or without parameters.
The semantics of the equivalent()
operation are further illustrated through a simple example. In this example, we need to transform a model that conforms to the Tree metamodel displayed below into a model that conforms to the Graph metamodel, also displayed below.
class Node {
+label: String
+incoming: Edge[*]
+outgoing: Edge[*]
class Edge {
+source: Node
+target: Node
class Tree {
+name: String
+parent: Tree
+children: Tree[*]
Tree -- Tree
Node -- Edge
Edge -- Node
More specifically, we need to transform each Tree
element to a Node
, and an Edge
that connects it with the Node
that is equivalent to the tree's parent
. This is achieved using the rule below.
rule Tree2Node
transform t : Tree!Tree
to n : Graph!Node {
n.label = t.label;
if (t.parent.isDefined()) {
var edge = new Graph!Edge;
edge.source = n; = t.parent.equivalent();
In lines 1--3, the Tree2Node
rule specifies that it can transform elements of the Tree
type in the Tree
model into elements of the Node
type in the Graph
model. In line 5 it specifies that the label of the created Node should be the same as the label of the source Tree. If the parent of the source Tree
is defined (line 7), the rule creates a new Edge
(line 8) and sets its source
property to the created Node
(line 9) and its target
property to the equivalent
of the source Tree
's parent
(line 10).
The Epsilon Playground includes a more comprehensive version of this example, providing comparisons between the various ways to use the equivalent()
and equivalents()
Persisting the transformation trace¶
ETL does not provide built-in support for persisting the transformation trace, however, you can access it through System.context.transformationTrace
and persist (parts of) it in a format of your choice (e.g. in a post
block of your transformation).
Overriding the semantics of the EOL Special Assignment Operator¶
As discussed above, resolving the equivalent(s) or source model elements in the target model is a recurring task in model transformation. Furthermore, in most cases resolving the equivalent of a model element is immediately followed by assigning/adding the obtained target model elements to the value(s) of a property of another target model element. For example, in line 10 of the listing above, the equivalent
obtained is immediately assigned to the target
property of the generated Edge
. To make transformation specifications more readable, ETL overrides the semantics of the SpecialAssignmentStatement
in terms of concrete syntax), to set its left-hand side, not to the element its right-hand side evaluates to, but to its equivalent
as calculated using the equivalent()
operation discussed above. Using this feature, line 10 of the Tree2Node
rule can be rewritten as shown below. ::= t.parent;
Interactive Transformations¶
Using the user interaction facilities of EOL, an ETL transformation can become interactive by prompting the user for input during its execution. For example in the listing below, we modify the Tree2Node
rule by adding a guard
part that uses the user-input facilities of EOL (more specifically the UserInput.confirm(String,Boolean)
operation) to enable the user select manually at runtime which of the Tree elements need to be transformed to respective Node elements in the target model and which not.
rule Tree2Node
transform t : Tree!Tree
to n : Graph!Node {
guard : UserInput.confirm
("Transform tree " + t.label + "?", true)
n.label = t.label;
var target : Graph!Node ::= t.parent;
if (target.isDefined()) {
var edge = new Graph!Edge;
edge.source = n; = target;
Additional Resources¶
Additional resources about ETL are available here.
The concept of lazy rules was first introduced in ATL ↩