The Epsilon Validation Language (EVL)¶
EVL contributes model validation capabilities to Epsilon. More specifically, EVL can be used to specify and evaluate constraints and critiques on models of arbitrary metamodels and modelling technologies, and to produce human-readable error messages and executable quick fixes.
Try EVL online
You can run and fiddle with EVL constraints that validate a project scheduling model in the online Epsilon Playground.
Abstract Syntax¶
In EVL, validation specifications are organized in modules (EvlModule). As illustrated in the figure below, EvlModule (indirectly) extends EolModule which means that it can contain user-defined operations and import other EOL library modules and EVL modules. Apart from operations, an EVL module also contains a set of constraints grouped by the context they apply to, and, by extending ErlModule, a number of pre and post blocks.
As with most languages in Epsilon, EVL uses EOL as its expression language. This page only documents the additional syntax and semantics that EVL provides on top of EOL.
class Constraint {
-name: String
-guard: ExecutableBlock<Boolean>
-check: ExecutableBlock<Boolean>
-message: ExecutableBlock<String>
-isCritique: boolean
class ConstraintContext {
-type: EolModelElementType
-guard: ExecutableBlock<Boolean>
class NamedStatementBlockRule {
-name: String
-body: StatementBlock
class Fix {
-guard: ExecutableBlock<Boolean>
-title: ExecutableBlock<String>
-body: ExecutableBlock<Void>
EolModule <|-- ErlModule
EvlModule --|> ErlModule
Pre --|> NamedStatementBlockRule
Post --|> NamedStatementBlockRule
ErlModule -- Pre: pre *
ErlModule -- Post: post *
EvlModule -- ConstraintContext: contexts *
ConstraintContext -- Constraint: constraints *
Constraint -- Fix: fixes *
A context specifies the kind of instances on which the contained constraints will be evaluated. Each context can optionally define a guard which limits its applicability to a narrower subset of instances of its specified type. Thus, if the guard fails for a specific instance of the type, none of its contained constraints are evaluated.
As with OCL, each EVL constraint defines a name and a body (check). However, it can optionally also define a guard which further limits its applicability to a subset of the instances of the type defined by the embracing context. Each constraint can optionally define a message as an ExecutableBlock that should return a String providing a description of the reason(s) for which the constraint has failed on a particular element. A constraint can also optionally define a number of fixes. Finally, as displayed in the figure above, constraint is an abstract class that is used as a super-class for the specific types Constraint and Critique.
Guards are used to limit the applicability of constraints. This can be achieved at two levels. At the Context level it limits the applicability of all constraints of the context and at the Constraint level it limits the applicability of a specific constraint.
A fix defines a title using an ExecutableBlock instead of a static String to allow users to specify context-aware titles (e.g. Rename class customer to Customer instead of a generic Convert first letter to upper-case). Moreover, the do (body) part is a statement block where the fixing functionality can be defined using EOL. The developer is responsible for ensuring that the actions contained in the fix actually repair the identified inconsistency.
Critiques are constraints that are used to capture non-critical issues that do not invalidate the model, but should nevertheless be addressed by the user to enhance the quality of the model.
Pre and Post¶
An EVL module can define a number of named pre and a post blocks that contain EOL statements which are executed before and after evaluating the constraints respectively. These should not be confused with the pre-/post-condition annotations available for EOL user-defined operations.
Concrete Syntax¶
The following listing demonstrates the concrete syntax of the context, constraint and fix abstract syntax constructs discussed above.
context <name> {
(guard (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
(constraint|critique) <name> {
(guard (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
(check (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
(message (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
fix {
(guard (:expression)|({statementBlock}))?
(title (:expression)|({statementBlock}))
do {
Pre and post blocks have a simple syntax that, as presented in the listing below, consists of the identifier (pre or post), an optional name and the set of statements to be executed enclosed in curly braces.
(pre|post) <name> {
Execution Semantics¶
Having discussed the abstract and concrete syntaxes of EVL, this section provides an informal discussion of the execution semantics of the language. The execution of an EVL module is separated into four phases:
Phase 1¶
Before any constraint is evaluated, the pre blocks of the module are executed in the order in which they have been specified.
Phase 2¶
For each non-lazy context with at least one non-lazy constraint, the instances of the meta-class it defines are collected. For each instance, the guard of the context is evaluated. If the guard is satisfied, then for each non-lazy constraint contained in the context the constraint's guard is also evaluated. If the guard of the constraint is satisfied, the body (check) of the constraint is evaluated. In case the check evaluates to false, the message part of the rule is evaluated and the produced message is added (along with the instance, the constraint, and the available fixes) to the ValidationTrace.
Any variables declared inside the check are also accessible from the message part of the rule, as well as the guards of the fixes. Variables declared inside the guards are discarded after evaluation, and are not accessible from anywhere else.
The execution order of an EVL module follows a top-down depth-first scheme that respects the order in which the contexts and constraints appear in the module. However, the execution order can change in case one of the satisfies, satisfiesOne, satisfiesAll built-in operations, discussed in detail in the sequel, are called.
Phase 3¶
In this phase, the validation trace is examined for unsatisfied constraints and the user is presented with the message each one has produced. The user can then select one or more of the available fixes to be executed. Execution of fixes is performed in a transactional manner using the respective facilities provided by the model connectivity framework. This is to prevent runtime errors raised during the execution of a fix from compromising the validated model by leaving it in an inconsistent state.
Phase 4¶
When the user has performed all the necessary fixes or chooses to end Phase 3 explicitly, the post section of the module is executed. There, the user can perform tasks such as serializing the validation trace or producing a summary of the validation process results.
Capturing Dependencies between Constraints¶
It is often the case that constraints conceptually depend on each other. To allow users capture such dependencies, EVL provides the satisfies(constraint : String) : Boolean, satisfiesAll(constraints : Sequence(String)) : Boolean and satisfiesOne(constraints : Sequence(String)) : Boolean built-in operations. Using these operations, an constraint can specify in its guard other constraints which need to be satisfied for it to be meaningful to evaluate.
When one of these operations is invoked, if the required constraints (either lazy or non-lazy) have been evaluated for the instances on which the operation is invoked, the engine will return their cached results; otherwise it will evaluate them and return their results.
The following is an EVL program demonstrating some of the language features, which validates models confirming to the Movies metamodel shown below. Execution begins from the pre block, which simply computes the average number of actors per Movie and stores it into a global variable, which can be accessed at any point. The ValidActors constraint checks that for every instance of Movie which has more than the average number of actors, all of the actors have valid names. This is achieved through a dependency on the HashValidName invariant declared in the context of Person type. This constraint is marked as lazy, which means it is only executed when invoked by satisfies, so avoiding unnecessary or duplicate invocations. The HasValidName constraint makes use of a helper operation (isPlain()) on Strings. Once all Movie instances have been checked, the execution engine then proceeds to validate all Person instances, which consists of only one non-lazy constraint ValidMovieYears. This checks that all of the movies the actor has played in were released at least 3 years after the actor was born. Finally, the post block is executed, which in this case simply prints some basic information about the model.
class Movie {
-title: String
-rating: Double
-year: Int
class Person {
-name: String
-birthYear: Int
Movie -- Person: movies * / persons *
pre {
var numMovies = Movie.all.size();
var numActors = Person.all.size();
var apm = numActors / numMovies;
context Movie {
constraint ValidActors {
guard : self.persons.size() > apm
check : self.persons.forAll(p | p.satisfies("HasValidName"))
context Person {
constraint HasValidName {
check :
constraint ValidMovieYears {
check : self.movies.forAll(m | m.year + 1 > self.birthYear)
operation String isPlain() : Boolean {
return self.matches("[A-Za-z\\s]+");
post {
("Actors per Movie="+apm).println();
("# Movies="+numMovies).println();
("# Actors="+numActors).println();
Additional Resources¶
Additional resources about EVL are available here.