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XML Schema Infoset Model, Part 1
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3. Setting up the development environment

Verifying the installation page 3 of 3

To verify that you have installed the EMF and the XML Schema components correctly, launch the %ECLIPSE_BASE%\eclipse\eclipse.exe executable. After the Eclipse Workbench comes up, select Help > About Eclipse Platform. Then click the "Plug-in Details" button. You should see a dialog like the one below that shows all of the plug-ins that are or could be loaded within that Eclipse environment.

About Eclipse Platform Plug-ins

If you installed EMF and the XML Schema components correctly, you should see these plug-ins:

ProviderPlug-in nameVersionPlug-in Id
Eclipse.orgECore Edit Support1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.ecore.edit
Eclipse.orgEMF Common1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.common
Eclipse.orgEMF Common UI1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.common.ui
Eclipse.orgEMF ECore1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.ecore
Eclipse.orgEMF ECore Code Generation1.1.0 org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore EMF ECore Code Generation UI 1.1.0 org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.ui
Eclipse.orgEMF Edit1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.edit
Eclipse.orgEMF Edit UI1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui
Eclipse.orgEMF Mapping1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.mapping
Eclipse.orgEMF Mapping UI1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ui
Eclipse.orgEMF Programmers Guide1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.doc
Eclipse.orgEMF Template Code Generator1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.codegen EMF Template Code Generator UI 1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ui
Eclipse.orgEMF XMI1.1.0org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
Eclipse.orgXML Schema Edit Framework1.1.0org.eclipse.xsd.edit
Eclipse.orgXML Schema Editor1.1.0org.eclipse.xsd.editor
Eclipse.orgXML Schema Infoset Model1.1.0org.eclipse.xsd XML Schema Infoset Model Source 1.1.0org.eclipse.xsd.source

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