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XML Schema Infoset Model, Part 1
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4. Using XML Schema Infoset Model classes

Component hierarchy, relations, and attributes page 4 of 9

The abstract XML Schema components, as described in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes of the Standard, are related according to the following hierarchy with these defined relationships and attributes:
Component hierarchy, relations, and attributes (Part 2: Datatypes)

The figure above illustrates how the XML Schema Datatypes and facets are modeled:

  • XSDFacet: is the base class for all of the XML Schema facets.
  • XSDConstrainingFacet: is the base class for all of the XML Schema facets that provide constraints to the model, which include length facets, inclusive facets, exclusive facets, total digits facets, white space facets, fraction digits facets, enumeration facets, and pattern facets.
  • XSDFixedFacet: is the base class for all of the XML Schema facets that provide constraints that can not be changed through type inheritance (in other words, must be fixed).
    • XSDLengthFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:length ...> facet.
    • XSDMinLengthFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:minLength ...> facet.
    • XSDMaxLengthFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:maxLength ...> facet.
    • XSDMinInclusiveFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:minInclusive ...> facet.
    • XSDMaxInclusiveFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:maxInclusive ...> facet.
    • XSDMinExclusiveFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:minExclusive ...> facet.
    • XSDMaxExclusiveFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:maxExclusive ...> facet.
    • XSDWhiteSpaceFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:whiteSpace ...> facet.
    • XSDFractionDigitsFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:fractionDigits ...> facet.
    • XSDTotalDigits: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:totalDigits ...> facet.
  • XSDRepeatableFacet: is the base class for all of the XML Schema facets that provide constraints that can repeat.
    • XSDEnumeration: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:enumeration ...> facet.
    • XSDPatternFacet: corresponds to the xml schema <xsd:minLength ...> facet.

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