Barnim: Simulation Basics

All files you need for this tutorial are included in the Eclipse MOSAIC zip file:
Download Eclipse MOSAIC

The following tutorial shows some of the features of Eclipse MOSAIC and will take a closer look at different federates. The map used in this tutorial is located near the city of Barnim, however, all features and configurations are transferable on your own scenarios.

Learning Objectives

This tutorial includes configuration and mapping files to give you an understanding of the Eclipse MOSAIC scenarios.
After completing this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Map applications onto simulation entities.

  • Enable and use a different communication simulator.

  • Describe and configure simulation entities for Eclipse MOSAIC scenarios.

Overview of Barnim tutorial scenario


  1. The scenario consists of three types of vehicles:
    • All vehicles are equipped with the SlowDownApp.
    • The second group is additionally equipped with the WeatherWarningApp
    • The third group is instead equipped with the WeatherWarningAppCell
  2. Initially, all vehicles plan to take the blue route which is a highway and usually quicker than the green route. But the road on the vehicle’s path has an environmental hazard (icy section) on it. The SlowDownApp induces a slowdown for vehicles that encounter the icy road.
  3. The vehicles with the WeatherWarningApp are equipped with ad-hoc (WiFi) communication. When they encounter the icy road, they create a GeoCircle with a radius of 3km and the center in their own position. A DENM (decentralized environmental notification message) is sent out and cast onto the GeoCircle. Because the ad-hoc communication range is usually only about 500m, the area is being flooded with the message, meaning the message is being forwarded to all vehicles that can receive it in the GeoCircle. Observe, that if the density of vehicles with ad-hoc communication is too low, then not all vehicles that are equipped with ad-hoc communication inside the GeoCircle will be warned.
  4. The WeatherWarningAppCell functions similarly but uses the cell network for communication instead, allowing for a higher and more effective communication range. Also, the vehicles equipped with the cell app send their DENM to a WeatherServer which then will relay the last received warning message on their behalf. So the WeatherServer creates a GeoCircle around the hazardous position, and sends out the warning over the cellular network. So all vehicles within a 3km radius of the hazardous location will receive the warning from the weather server. You can observe, that this removes the need for a certain density of vehicles equipped with cellular communication to reach all vehicles in the GeoCircle.
  5. Upon receiving a DENM, vehicles with a weather warning app will recalculate their route. Transmitted over the DENM is the information about the slowdown induced by the icy road, which factors into route recalculation. The new route is shown in Figure 1 in green.
  6. While the simulation is running, you should see with the Websocket Visualizer, vehicles as moving markers indicating when they are sending V2X messages (red vehicles) and receiving V2X messages (green vehicles).

More information about the Simple Network Simulator and the Network Simulator Cell can be found in the documentation.

Overview of Communication Relations on Application Layer

Overview of Applications

In this section, the applications used in the Barnim tutorial will be described briefly.

Application Description Induces a speed reduction as soon as the onboard sensors detect hazardous conditions. After leaving the hazardous area, the vehicles will resume by increasing their speed again. Enables ad hoc communication for equipped units/vehicles. Vehicles that have detected a hazardous condition will send out a signal via ad-hoc communication. Vehicles with the same app that receive such a signal will reroute if practical. They might not be able to receive DENMs due to range limitations and drive into the icy section nonetheless. A specialized form of the weather warning application above that can make use of cellular communication, and will send the DENM to the WeatherServer. Simulates a Weather-Server equipped with cellular communication. It is able to relay previously received DENMs, and thereby can warn vehicles that are equipped with cellular communication.

Mapping configuration

This section gives a short explanation of the mapping we use in this scenario. First, we use five different types of entities. One server, namely the WeatherServer, and three types of cars, each of them loaded with different applications. As usual, the configuration takes place in mapping/mapping_config.json in your scenario folder.

In this tutorial, there is only one vehicle type named Car configured in the prototypes section. The prototypes attributes allows you to specify the properties and behaviour of all vehicles which inherit this vehicle type.

Read the detailed documentation of the Mapping Configuration.

"prototypes": [
        "name": "Car",
        "vehicleClass": "ElectricVehicle",
        "accel": 2.6,
        "decel": 4.5,
        "emergencyDecel": 6.0,
        "length": 5.00,
        "maxSpeed": 70.0,
        "minGap": 2.5,
        "sigma": 0.5,
        "tau": 1,
        "speedFactor": 1.0,
        "speedMode": "DEFAULT",
        "laneChangeMode": "DEFAULT",
        "deviations": {
            "speedFactor": 0.0,
            "length": 0.0,
            "minGap": 0.0,
            "maxSpeed": 0.0,
            "accel": 0.0,
            "decel": 0.0,
            "tau": 0.0

The WeatherServer is configured in the servers section of the mapping_config.json file. For the CellAmbassador to be able to recognize the WeatherServer, the group-field in the mapping below is WeatherServer. For a correct recognition, this field matches the id-field in the cell/network.json. Check out server configuration for more info.

"servers": [
            "name": "WeatherServer",
            "group": "WeatherServer",
            "applications": [ "" ]

In the vehicles section, we define the actual vehicles driving in the simulation. Each item represents a flow of vehicles on a certain route, which can be configured the following:

The types attribute defines the vehicle type and the applications mapped to the vehicle. By having the weight attribute, we define a distribution of vehicle types. In this case, 10% of the vehicles using cellular based application, 20% using ITS-G5 based application, and 70% of the vehicles have no additional functionality to receive messages from the weather server.

"vehicles": [
            "startingTime": "5.0 s",
            "targetFlow": 1800,
            "maxNumberVehicles": 120,
            "route": "1",
            "lanes": [ 0, 1 ],
            "types": [
                    "applications": [
                    "name": "Car",
                    "group": "Cellular",
                    "weight": 0.1
                    "applications": [
                    "name": "Car",
                    "group": "AdHoc",
                    "weight": 0.2
                    "applications": [
                    "name": "Car",
                    "group": "Unequipped",
                    "weight": 0.7

Scenario configuration

The main Eclipse MOSAIC scenario configuration file that resides in scenario_config.json, defines the general simulation parameter as (duration, id etc.). Since several applications are mapped, we need to make sure that the corresponding simulators are enabled. The last part of the scenario_config.json configuration file is used to enable and disable certain simulators according to the needs of the user.

Per default, the simulation of cellular communication is disabled. In order to enable communication via cellular networks in this scenario, you need to enable the cell simulator by setting the field active to true:

"federates": {
    "cell": true,

The scenario_config.json configuration file of the Barnim tutorial should have following activated simulators:

    "federates": {
        "cell": true,
        "omnetpp": false,
        "ns-3": false,
        "sns": true,
        "sumo": true,
        "application": true,
        "environment": true,
        "output": true

More information about the scenario configuration can be found here.

How the running scenario should look like

The running scenario
When the scenario is running, it should look as presented in the Figure above. Some vehicles are able to take a different route as they are receiving warning messages from other vehicles.

If the scenario is running too fast and you can not observe vehicle markers in the visualization, you can slow down the simulation using the realtime brake -b / --realtime-brake. For example, using -b 5 would slow down to 5 times realtime, that is 5 seconds in simulation would require 1 second in real time.