Interface ICoreFileReader

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Aix32Dump, Aix64Dump, CoreReaderSupport, NewAixDump, NewElfDump, NewWinDump, NewZosDump

public interface ICoreFileReader extends ResourceReleaser
  • Method Details

    • extract

      void extract(Builder builder)
      Used to extract OS-specific data. Called with a builder which is a sort of factory which will create the required implementation-specific data structures exist solely above the layer of this project.
      builder -
    • getAdditionalFileNames

      Iterator getAdditionalFileNames()
      An iterator of String object specifying names of additional files needed by the Dump
      See Also:
    • getAddressSpace

      IAbstractAddressSpace getAddressSpace()
      Creates a representation of the address space capable of reading data from memory as a flat address space even though it may be fragmented across regions of several files or transport media. Note that this method is expected to be called several times and should always return the same instance.
    • isTruncated

      boolean isTruncated()
      true if the core file is truncated, false otherwise