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PDE UI Development Resources


We have Team Project Set files for the basic plug-ins and all plug-ins in PDE UI. You can use them to quickly download the Use team project set files ( Note that in November of 2008 the PDE plug-ins were moved from the CVS root to the /pde folder.

The PDE UI component is comprised of the following plugins:

Releng plug-in (contains project set files):

Basic PDE UI plug-ins:

User Assistance editors and tools:

Declarative Services editors and tools:

Additional PDE UI plug-ins:

The org.eclipse.pde.ui.tests plug-in requires the following plugins:

Get Involved!

If you are interested in participating in the development of the PDE UI component, check out our Contributor Guide and then let us know using the developer's mailing list: Chat with people there about your problems and interests, and find out what you can do to help.

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