Installed Debuggers

The Installed Debuggers preferences page allows you to configure your Debugger settings.


The Installed Debuggers Preferences page is accessed from Window | Preferences | PHP | Debug | Installed Debuggers .




Instructions on how to complete a procedure

To configure your Zend Debugger settings:

  1. Select the Zend Debugger.

  2. Click Configure.
    The Zend Debugger Settings dialog will open.


  1. Configure the following:

  • Debug Port - The port which the Zend Debugger will use. The default port is 10137.

  • Run with Debug info - Mark the checkbox for Debug info, such as the Console view and the Browser Output, to be displayed when a Run configuration is executed.

  • Client Host/IP - Enter the Client Host/IP to which debugging results will be returned. PDT will automatically search for and recognize the  Client Host/IP, but entering a specific Host/IP will speed up the debugging process and decrease the likelihood of session timeouts.


If the field contains too many host/IPs, the session could timeout before a debugging connection is established. Entering a non-existent host/IP could cause the session to terminate.

  1. Click OK to return to the Installed Debuggers Preferences page.

  2. Click Apply to apply your settings.





Related Links:


Installed Debuggers

Workbench Options

PHP Preferences