Class SisuExtensions

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> List<T> create​(Class<T> spi)
      Creates instances of extensions listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name ; implementations must have a public no-arg constructor.
      create​(Class<T> spi, Class<C> contextType, C context)
      Creates instances of extensions listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name ; implementations must either have a public no-arg constructor or one with the declared context type.
      static SisuExtensions global​(ClassSpace space)
      Returns global SisuExtensions from the surrounding class space.
      void install​( binder)
      Installs modules listed under META-INF/services/; modules must have a public no-arg constructor.
      <C> void install​( binder, Class<C> contextType, C context)
      Installs modules listed under META-INF/services/; modules must either have a public no-arg constructor or one with the declared context type.
      <T> List<Class<? extends T>> load​(Class<T> spi)
      Loads extension types listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name.
      static SisuExtensions local​(ClassSpace space)
      Returns local SisuExtensions from the containing class space.
      SpaceVisitor visitor​( binder)
      SpaceModule strategy that lets META-INF/services/ extensions override the default scanning.
      Wiring wiring​( binder)
      WireModule strategy that lets META-INF/services/org.eclipse.sisu.wire.Wiring extensions override the default wiring.
    • Method Detail

      • local

        public static SisuExtensions local​(ClassSpace space)
        Returns local SisuExtensions from the containing class space.
        space - The class space
        Local extensions
      • global

        public static SisuExtensions global​(ClassSpace space)
        Returns global SisuExtensions from the surrounding class space.
        space - The class space
        Global extensions
      • install

        public void install​( binder)
        Installs modules listed under META-INF/services/; modules must have a public no-arg constructor.
        binder - The current binder
      • install

        public <C> void install​( binder,
                                Class<C> contextType,
                                C context)
        Installs modules listed under META-INF/services/; modules must either have a public no-arg constructor or one with the declared context type.
        binder - The current binder
        contextType - Optional context type
        context - Optional context instance
      • wiring

        public Wiring wiring​( binder)
        WireModule strategy that lets META-INF/services/org.eclipse.sisu.wire.Wiring extensions override the default wiring.
        Specified by:
        wiring in interface WireModule.Strategy
        binder - The binder
        Extended wiring
      • visitor

        public SpaceVisitor visitor​( binder)
        SpaceModule strategy that lets META-INF/services/ extensions override the default scanning.
        Specified by:
        visitor in interface SpaceModule.Strategy
        binder - The binder
        Extended visitor
      • create

        public <T> List<T> create​(Class<T> spi)
        Creates instances of extensions listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name ; implementations must have a public no-arg constructor.
        spi - The extension SPI
        List of extensions
      • create

        public <T,​C> List<T> create​(Class<T> spi,
                                          Class<C> contextType,
                                          C context)
        Creates instances of extensions listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name ; implementations must either have a public no-arg constructor or one with the declared context type.
        spi - The extension SPI
        contextType - Optional context type
        context - Optional context instance
        List of extensions
      • load

        public <T> List<Class<? extends T>> load​(Class<T> spi)
        Loads extension types listed under META-INF/services/ fully-qualified-SPI-name.
        spi - The extension SPI
        List of extension types