C++ Vehicle App Development

Learn how to develop and test a Vehicle App using C++.

We recommend that you make yourself familiar with the Vehicle App SDK first, before going through this tutorial.

The following information describes how to develop and test the sample Vehicle App that is included in the C++ template repository . You will learn how to use the Vehicle App C++ SDK and how to interact with the Vehicle Model.

Once you have completed all steps, you will have a solid understanding of the development workflow and you will be able to reuse the template repository for your own Vehicle App development project.

Develop your first Vehicle App

This section describes how to develop your first Vehicle App. Before you start building a new Vehicle App, make sure you have already read this manual:

For this tutorial, you will recreate the Vehicle App that is included in the template repository : The Vehicle App allows you to change the position of the driver’s seat in the car and also provides its current positions to other applications. A detailed explanation of the use case and the example is available here .

Setting up the basic skeleton of your app

At first, you have to create the main C++ file which we will call App.cpp in /app/src. All the relevant code for your new Vehicle App goes there. Afterwards, there are several steps you need to consider when developing the app:

  1. Manage your includes
  2. Initialize your class
  3. Define the entry point of your app

Manage your includes

Before you start development in the App.cpp you just created, it will be necessary to include all required header files, which you will understand better later through the development:

#include "sdk/VehicleApp.h"
#include "sdk/IPubSubClient.h"
#include "sdk/IVehicleDataBrokerClient.h"
#include "sdk/Logger.h"

#include "vehicle/Vehicle.hpp"

#include <memory>

using namespace velocitas;

Initialize your class

The main class of your new Vehicle App needs to inherit the VehicleApp provided by the C++ SDK .

class MyVehicleApp : public VehicleApp {
    // <remaining code in this tutorial goes here>
    vehicle::Vehicle Vehicle; // this member exists to provide simple access to the vehicle model

In your constructor, you have to choose which implementations to use for the VehicleDataBrokerClient and the PubSubClient. By default we suggest you use the factory methods to generate the default implementations: IVehicleDataBrokerClient::createInstance and IPubSubClient::createInstance. These will create a VehicleDataBrokerClient which connects to the VAL via gRPC and an MQTT-based pub-sub client.

    : VehicleApp(IVehicleDataBrokerClient::createInstance("vehicledatabroker"), // this is the app-id of the KUKSA Databroker in the VAL.
                 IPubSubClient::createInstance("MyVehicleApp")) // the clientId identifies the client at the pub/sub broker

Now, you have initialized the app and can continue developing relevant methods.

Entry point of your app

Here’s an example of an entry point to the MyVehicleApp that we just developed:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    MyVehicleApp app;
    return 0;

With this your app can now be started. In order to provide some meaningful behaviour of the app, we will enhance it with more features in the next sections.

Vehicle Model Access

In order to facilitate the implementation, the whole set of vehicle signals is abstracted into model classes. Please check the tutorial about creating models for more details. In this section, the focus is on using the model.

The first thing you need to do is to get access to the Vehicle Model. If you derived your project repository from our template, we already provide a generated model as a Conan source package. The library is already referenced as “include folder” in the CMake files. Hence, in most cases no additional setup is necessary. How to tailor the model to your needs or how you could get access to vehicle services is described in the tutorial linked above. In your source code the model is included via #include "vehicle/Vehicle.hpp" (as shown above).

If you want to read a single signal/data point e.g. for the vehicle speed, the simplest way is to do it via a blocking call and directly accessing the value of the speed:

auto vehicleSpeed = Vehicle.Speed.get()->await().value();

Lets have a look, what this line contains:

  • The term Vehicle.Speed addresses the signal we like to query, i.e. the current speed of the vehicle.
  • The term .get() tells that we want to get/read the current state of that signal from the Data Broker. Behind the scenes this triggers a request-response flow via IPC with the Data Broker.
  • The term ->await() blocks the execution until the response was received.
  • Finally, the term .value() tries to access the returned speed value.

The get() returns a shared_ptr to an AsyncResult which, as the name implies, is the result of an asynchronous operation. We have two options to access the value of the asynchronous result. First we can use await() and block the calling thread until a result is available or use onResult(...) which allows us to inject a function pointer or a lambda which is called once the result is available:

    ->onResult([](auto vehicleSpeed){
        logger().info("Got speed!");
    ->onError(auto status){
        logger().info("Something went wrong communicating to the data broker!");

If you want to get deeper inside to the vehicle, to access a single seat for example, you just have to go the model-chain down:

auto driverSeatPosition = Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position.get()->await();

Class TypedDataPointValue

If you have a detailed look at the AsyncResult class, you will observe that the object returned by the await() or passed to the onResult callback is not directly the current value of the signal, but instead an object of type TypedDataPointValue. This object does not only contain the current value of the signal but also some additional metadata accessible via these functions:

  • getPath() provides the signal name, i.e. the complete path,
  • getType() provides the data type of the signal,
  • getTimeStamp() provides the timestamp when the current state was received by the data broker,
  • isValid() returns true if the current state represents a valid value of the signal or false otherwise,
  • getFailure() returns the reason, why the current state does not represent a valid value (it returns NONE if the value is valid),
  • getValue() returns the a valid current value. It will throw an InvalidValueException if the current value is invalid for whatever reason.

The latter three points lead us to the next chapter.

Failure Handling

As indicated above, there might be reasons/situations why the get operation is not able to deliver a valid value for the requested signal. Those shall be handled properly by any application (that wants “to be more” than a prototype).

There are two ways to handle the failure situations:

  • Either you can catch the exception thrown by the .value() function:
try {
    auto vehicleSpeed = Vehicle.Speed.get()->await().value();
    // use the speed value
} catch (AsyncException& e) {
    // thrown by the await(): Something went wrong on communication level with the data broker
} catch (InvalidValueException& e) {
    // thrown by .value(): The vehicle speed signal does not contain a valid value, currently
  • Throwing the InvalidValueException can be avoided if you first check that .isValid() returns true before calling .value():
auto vehicleSpeed = Vehicle.Speed.get()->await();
if (vehicleSpeed.isValid())
    // Accessing .value() now wont throw an exception
    auto speed = vehicleSpeed.value()
} else {
    // Do your failure handling here
    switch (vehicleSpeed.getFailure()) {
    case Failure::INVALID_VALUE:
    case ...

(isValid() is a convenience function for checking .getFailure() == Failure::NONE.)

Failure Reasons

There are two levels where errors accessing signal/data points might occure.

Communication with the Data Broker (IPC Level)

The data broker might be (temporarly) unavailable because

  • it’s not yet started up,
  • temporary “stopped” due to a crash or a “live update”,
  • some temporary network issues (if running on a different hardware node),

Errors on the IPC level between the application and the data broker will be reported either via

  • an AsyncException thrown by the await() function of the AsyncResult class or
  • calling the function passed to the onError function of the AsyncResult/AsyncSubscription class.

Errors on this level always make the overall call fail: If getting/setting multiple data points in a single call, the overall operation will fail. In case of setting multiple signals/data points, this means that none of the signals/data points are set. In case of an error on a subscription, this means that the overall subscription could not be established or is terminated now.

Signal / Data Point Level

Failures on signal/data point level are always reported individually per signal/data point. If accessing multiple signals/data points in a single call, getting or setting some certain signal might be successfully done but another one will report an error or failure.

The reasons why a valid value of signal/data point can be missing are explained here:

Reported failure Reason Explanation
Failure::UNKNOWN_DATAPOINT The addressed signal/data point is “unknown” on the system. This can be a hint for a misconfiguration of the overall system, because no provider is installed in that system which will provide this signal. It can be acceptable, if an application does just “optionally” require access to that signal and would work properly without it being present.
Failure::ACCESS_DENIED The application does not have the necessary access rights to the addressed signal/data point. This can be a hint for a misconfiguration of the overall system, but could be also a “normal” situation if the user of the vehicle blocks access to certain signals for that application.
Failure::NOT_AVAILABLE The addressed signal/data point is temporary not available. This is a normal situation which will arise, while the provider of that signal is
- not yet started up or has not yet passed a value to the data broker,
- temporary “stopped” due to a crash or a “live update”,
- some temporary network issues (e.g. if the provider is running on a different hardware node),
- …
Failure::INVALID_VALUE The addressed signal/data point might currently not represent a valid value. This situation means, that the signal is currently provided but just the value itself is not representable, e.g. because the hardware sensor delivers implausible values.
Failure::INTERNAL_ERROR The value is missing because of some internal issue in the data broker. This typically points out some misbehaviour within the broker’s implementation - call it “bug”.
Failure::NONE No failure state - a valid value is provided. This “failure” reason is used to represent a signal state where a valid value is provided.

It is the application developer’s decision if it makes sense to distinguish between the different failure reasons or if some or all of them can be handled as “just one”.

Subscription to DataPoints

If you want to get notified about changes of a specific DataPoint, you can subscribe to this event, e.g. as part of the onStart() method in your app:

void onStart() override {
        ->onItem([this](auto&& item) { onSeatPositionChanged(std::forward<decltype(item)>(item)); })
        ->onError([this](auto&& status) { onError(std::forward<decltype(status)>(status)); });

void onSeatPositionChanged(const DataPointsResult& result) {
    const auto dataPoint = result.get(Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position);
    // do something with the data point value

The VehicleApp class provides the subscribeDataPoints() method which allows to listen for changes on one or multiple data points. Once a change in any of the data points is registered, the callback registered via AsyncSubscription::onItem() is called. Conversely, the callback registered via AsyncSubscription::onError() is called once there is an error during communication with the KUKSA Databroker.

The result passed to the callback registered via onItem() is an object of type DataPointsResult which holds the current state of all data points that were part of the respective subscription. The state of individual data points can be accessed by their reference: result.get(Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position))


Services are used to communicate with other parts of the vehicle via remote procedure calls (RPC). Please read the basics about them here .

The following code snippet shows how to use the moveComponent() method of the SeatService from the vehicle model:

vehicle::cabin::SeatService::SeatLocation location{1, 1};
    location, vehicle::cabin::SeatService::Component::Base, 300

In order to define which seat you like to move, you have to pass a SeatLocation object as the first parameter. The second argument specifies the component of the seat to be moved. The possible components are defined in the proto-files. The last parameter to be passed into the method is the final position of the component.

Make sure to call the await() method when calling service methods or register a callback via onResult() otherwise you don’t know when your asynchronous call will finish.


Interaction with other Vehicle Apps or with the cloud is enabled by using the Mosquitto MQTT Broker. When using the provided template repository you can start a MQTT Broker as part the local runtime. More information can be found here .

In the quickstart section about the Vehicle App, you already tested sending MQTT messages to the app. In the previous sections, you generally saw how to use Vehicle Models, DataPoints and GRPC Services. In this section, you will learn how to combine them with MQTT.

In order to receive and process MQTT messages inside your app, simply use the VehicleApp::subscribeTopic(<topic>) method provided by the SDK:

void onStart() override {
        ->onItem([this](auto&& item){ onSetPositionRequestReceived(std::forward<decltype(item)>(item);)});

void onSetPositionRequestReceived(const std::string& data) {
    const auto jsonData = nlohmann::json::parse(data);
    const auto responseTopic = "seatadjuster/setPosition/response";
    nlohmann::json respData({{"requestId", jsonData["requestId"]}, {"result", {}}});

The onSetPositionRequestReceived method will now be invoked every time a message is created on the subscribed topic seatadjuster/setPosition/response. The message data is provided as a string parameter. In the example above the data is parsed to json (data = json.loads(data_str)).

In order to publish data to other subscribers, the SDK provides the appropriate convenience method: VehicleApp::publishToTopic(...)

void MyVehicleApp::onSeatPositionChanged(const DataPointsResult& result):
    const auto responseTopic = "seatadjuster/currentPosition";
    nlohmann::json respData({"position": result.get(Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position)->value()});


The above example illustrates how one can easily publish messages. In this case, every time the seat position changes, the new position is published to seatadjuster/currentPosition

See the results

Once the implementation is done, it is time to run and debug the app.

Build your App

Before you can run the Vehicle App you need to build it first. To do so, simply run the provided build.sh script found in the root of the SDK. It does accept some arguments, but that is out of scope for this tutorial.

Run your App

In order to run the app make sure the devenv-runtimes package is part of your .velocitas.json (which should be the default) and the runtime is up and running. Read more about it in the run runtime services section.

Now chose one of the options to start the VehicleApp under development:

  1. Press F5


  1. Press F1
  2. Select command Tasks: Run Task
  3. Select Local Runtime - Run VehicleApp

Debug your Vehicle App

In the introduction about debugging , you saw how to start a debugging session. In this section, you will learn what is happening in the background.

The debug session launch settings are already prepared for the VehicleApp.

    "configurations": [
            "name": "VehicleApp - Debug (Native)",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/bin/app",
            "args": [ ],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "environment": [
                    "name": "SDV_MIDDLEWARE_TYPE",
                    "value": "native"
                    "name": "SDV_VEHICLEDATABROKER_ADDRESS",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "SDV_MQTT_ADDRESS",
                    "value": ""
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "setupCommands": [ ],

We specify which binary to run using the program key. In the environment you can specify all needed environment variables. You can adapt the JSON to your needs (e.g., change the ports, add new tasks) or even add a completely new configuration for another Vehicle App.

Once you are done, you have to switch to the debugging tab (sidebar on the left) and select your configuration using the dropdown on the top. You can now start the debug session by clicking the play button or F5. Debugging is now as simple as in every other IDE, just place your breakpoints and follow the flow of your Vehicle App.

Next steps

Last modified February 13, 2025: Remove outdated links to pantaris (#130) (d14e718)