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handleEvent(Event<EventAtom>) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.api.event.adapter.EventHandlerAdapter
handleEvent(Event<EventAtom>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.api.event.EventHandler
hasChildren(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.sources.TreeContentProvider
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.emf.specification.GenericEMFPatternPQuery
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.validation.whitelist.PureWhitelist.PureElement
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.api.GenericPatternMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.base.api.BaseIndexOptions
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.base.itc.alg.counting.CountingTcRelation
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.base.itc.alg.dred.DRedTcRelation
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.base.itc.alg.misc.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.emf.EMFScope
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.api.Activation
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.specific.event.IncQueryMultiPatternMatchEventFilter
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.specific.event.IncQuerySinglePatternMatchEventFilter
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.localsearch.matcher.MatcherReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.localsearch.MatchingKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.context.common.BaseInputKeyWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.context.InputKeyImplication
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.operations.PApply
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.operations.PEnumerate
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.operations.PJoin
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.operations.PProject
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.operations.PStart
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.planning.SubPlan
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.psystem.TypeJudgement
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.tuple.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.tuple.TupleMask
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.rete.remote.Address
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionContextMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionInputMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionOutputMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityEdgeInGroupMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupContainedEdgeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupContainedNodeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupInActivityMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupSubgroupMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupSuperGroupMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeActivityMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeInGroupMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.AssociationEndTypeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.BehaviorContextMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassExtensionMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierAllParentsMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierAttributeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierFeatureMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierGeneralMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierParentsMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassSuperClassMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ConnectableElementEndMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ConnectorKindMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DeploymentTargetDeployedElementMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DirectedRelationshipSourceMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DirectedRelationshipTargetMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ElementOwnedElementMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ElementOwnerMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.EncapsulatedClassifierOwnedPortMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ExtensionMetaclassEndMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ExtensionMetaclassMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.FeatureFeaturingClassifierMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.MessageMessageKindMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementClientDependencyMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementNamespaceMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementQualifiedNameMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceImportedMemberMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceMemberMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceOwnedMemberMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.OpaqueExpressionResultMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.OperationReturnResultMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageNestedPackageMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageNestingPackageMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageOwnedStereotypeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageOwnedTypeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageVisibleMemberMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PropertyIsCompositeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ProtocolTransitionReferredMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableElementRedefinedElementMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableElementRedefinitionContextMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableTemplateSignatureInheritedParameterMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RelationshipRelatedElementMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StateIsCompositeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StateIsOrthogonalMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StructuredClassifierPartMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StructuredClassifierRoleMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.TypePackageMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.VertexIncomingMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.VertexOutgoingMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.validation.core.violationkey.CompositeSymmetricViolationKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.validation.core.violationkey.CompositeViolationKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.validation.core.violationkey.SimpleViolationKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.ChildrenMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2containmentMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2edgeMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2itemMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.EmptyTraceMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Param2targetMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2objectMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2paramMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2targetMatch
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.TraceMatch
HashSetBasedConflictSetImpl - Class in org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.specific.resolver.impl
HashSetBasedConflictSetImpl() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.evm.specific.resolver.impl.HashSetBasedConflictSetImpl
hasMatch(Match) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.api.impl.BaseMatcher
hasMatch(Match) - Method in interface org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.api.IncQueryMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch() - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.localsearch.matcher.LocalSearchMatcher
hasMatch(MatchingFrame) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.localsearch.matcher.LocalSearchMatcher
hasMatch(Action, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionContextMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Action, InputPin) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionInputMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Action, OutputPin) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActionOutputMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityEdge, ActivityGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityEdgeInGroupMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityGroup, ActivityEdge) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupContainedEdgeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityGroup, ActivityNode) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupContainedNodeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityGroup, Activity) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupInActivityMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Activity, ActivityGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityGroup, ActivityGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupSubgroupMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityGroup, ActivityGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityGroupSuperGroupMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityNode, Activity) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeActivityMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ActivityNode, ActivityGroup) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeInGroupMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Activity, ActivityNode) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ActivityNodeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Association, Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.AssociationEndTypeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Behavior, BehavioredClassifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.BehaviorContextMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Class, Extension) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassExtensionMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Classifier, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierAllParentsMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Classifier, Property) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierAttributeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Classifier, Feature) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierFeatureMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Classifier, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierGeneralMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Classifier, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassifierParentsMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Class, Class) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ClassSuperClassMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ConnectableElement, ConnectorEnd) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ConnectableElementEndMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Connector, ConnectorKind) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ConnectorKindMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(DeploymentTarget, PackageableElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DeploymentTargetDeployedElementMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(DirectedRelationship, Element) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DirectedRelationshipSourceMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(DirectedRelationship, Element) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.DirectedRelationshipTargetMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Element, Element) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ElementOwnedElementMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Element, Element) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ElementOwnerMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(EncapsulatedClassifier, Port) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.EncapsulatedClassifierOwnedPortMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Extension, Property) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ExtensionMetaclassEndMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Extension, Class) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ExtensionMetaclassMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Feature, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.FeatureFeaturingClassifierMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Message, MessageKind) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.MessageMessageKindMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(NamedElement, Dependency) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementClientDependencyMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(NamedElement, Namespace) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementNamespaceMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(NamedElement, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamedElementQualifiedNameMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Namespace, PackageableElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceImportedMemberMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Namespace, NamedElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceMemberMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Namespace, NamedElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.NamespaceOwnedMemberMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(OpaqueExpression, Parameter) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.OpaqueExpressionResultMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Operation, Parameter) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.OperationReturnResultMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Package, Package) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageNestedPackageMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Package, Package) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageNestingPackageMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Package, Stereotype) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageOwnedStereotypeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Package, Type) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageOwnedTypeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Package, PackageableElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PackageVisibleMemberMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Property, Boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.PropertyIsCompositeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(ProtocolTransition, Operation) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.ProtocolTransitionReferredMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(RedefinableElement, RedefinableElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableElementRedefinedElementMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(RedefinableElement, Classifier) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableElementRedefinitionContextMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(RedefinableTemplateSignature, TemplateParameter) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RedefinableTemplateSignatureInheritedParameterMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Relationship, Element) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.RelationshipRelatedElementMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(State, Boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StateIsCompositeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(State, Boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StateIsOrthogonalMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(StructuredClassifier, Property) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StructuredClassifierPartMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(StructuredClassifier, ConnectableElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.StructuredClassifierRoleMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Type, Package) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.TypePackageMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Vertex, Transition) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.VertexIncomingMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Vertex, Transition) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.uml.derivedfeatures.VertexOutgoingMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Item, Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.ChildrenMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Object, Object, Trace, Containment) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2containmentMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Object, Object, Trace, Edge) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2edgeMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Object, Trace, Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.patterns.Param2itemMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Trace) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.EmptyTraceMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(EObject, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Param2targetMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Object, Trace, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2objectMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(EObject, Trace, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2paramMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(EObject, Trace) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.Trace2targetMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasMatch(Object, String, EObject, Trace, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns.TraceMatcher
Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match, under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
hasPureAnnotation(JvmOperation) - Static method in class org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.validation.whitelist.PurityChecker
hasSurrogateQueryFQN(IInputKey) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.context.surrogate.SurrogateQueryRegistry
hasValidator(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.annotations.PatternAnnotationProvider
Decides whether a validator is defined for the selected annotation name.
hasXBaseExpression(Pattern) - Static method in class org.eclipse.incquery.patternlanguage.helper.CorePatternLanguageHelper
Helpers - Class in org.eclipse.incquery.viewmodel.traceability.patterns
A pattern group formed of all patterns defined in helpers.eiq.
HierarchicalName() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.incquery.runtime.matchers.psystem.rewriters.IVariableRenamer.HierarchicalName
HIERARCHY_LITERAL_ISSUE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.validators.ItemValidator
HIERARCHY_POLICY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.NotationPackage
The meta object id for the 'Hierarchy Policy' enum.
HIERARCHY_POLICY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model.NotationPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Hierarchy Policy' enum.
HierarchyPolicy - Enum in org.eclipse.incquery.viewers.runtime.model
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Hierarchy Policy', and utility methods for working with them.
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