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Dali Java Persistence Tools

An Eclipse Web Tools Platform Sub-Project

Dali 3.3 Released with Kepler!

Dali 3.3 has been released as of June 26th, 2013 as a part of the larger Kepler release.

  • Dali 3.3 is available for download via the Kepler Java EE Package, Kepler software repository:, WTP zip file or p2 repository , or via the Web Tools software repository:
  • New and Noteworthy
  • There are many new features in Dali 3.3. Check out the Noteworthy items in the 3.3 release. All together, we have made 36 enhancements and fixed 172 bugs in the Kepler release!

About Dali

The Dali Java Persistence Tools Project, a sub-project of the Web Tools Platform Project , provides extensible frameworks and tools for the definition and editing of Object-Relational (O/R) mappings for Java Persistence API (JPA) entities. JPA mapping support focuses on minimizing the complexity of mapping by providing entity generation wizards, design-time validation, and a rich UI for entity and persistence unit configuration.

Why Dali?

Salvador Dali . The Persistence of Memory . 1931.
(c) 2005 Salvador Dali , Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

The focus of Dali is support for JPA O/R mapping which is concerned with the persistence of in memory Java POJOs to relational databases. The title of the famous painting "The Persistence of Memory" aptly describes the goal of the JPA specification and provides the link to the Spanish painter Salvador Dali.

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