Installation Instructions
The Modbus com interface need the libmodbus library to work. Follow the steps below to set up your environment before compiling FORTE.
- libmodbus files should be placed in the following folder structure:
- [ibmodbushome]/include/modbus: include files
- [libmodbushome]/lib: libmodbus.lib (windows) or (posix)
- When configuring FORTE project with CMake choose [ibmodbushome] as FORTE_COM_MODBUS_LIB_DIR
- forte.exe must be able to find the dynamic libmodbus library after build. Therefore copy libmodbus.dll/so to folder with forte.exe or add libmodbus.dll/so to library include path.
Modbus Client (TCP)
Usage of the Modbus Client (TCP):
- protocol: tcp (tcp is default)
- ip: address of Modbus server, e.g.
- port: preferably above 1024, default is 502
- pollFrequency: polling frequency in milliseconds
- functionCode: an integer between 1 and 4
- 1 = Read Coils
- 2 = Read Discrete Inputs
- 3 = Read Holding Registers
- 4 = Read Input Register
- slaveId (optional): the slave id used by the modbus server (0xFF is standard); this is in principle an optional parameter but some modbus devices - e.g. Siemens SENTRON PAC power measurement devices - need this parameter in order to establish a connection
- readAddresses: addresses can be specified between 0-65535 more than one address (max 100) can be specified using
- comma for separate addresses 0,2,65500
- dots for interval 5..10
- combination 0,5..10,2,65500
- sendAddresses: addresses can be specified between 0-65535 if data is only read sendAddresses should be left empty more than one address (max 100) can be specified using
- comma for separate addresses 0,2,65500
- dots for interval 5..10
- combination 0,5..10,2,65500
- responseTimeout (optional): timeout in milliseconds to wait for a response (500ms is default)
- byteTimeout (optional): timeout in milliseconds between two consecutive bytes (500ms is default)
Modbus Client (RTU)
Usage of the Modbus Client (RTU):
Parameter meaning:
- protocol: rtu
- device: serial device, e.g., /dev/ttyS0
- baudRate: baud rate
- parity: N for none, E for even, O for odd
- dataBit: number of data bits
- stopBit: number of stop bits
- pollFrequency: polling frequency in milliseconds
- functionCode: an integer between 1 and 4, whereas
- 1 = Read Coils
- 2 = Read Discrete Inputs
- 3 = Read Holding Registers
- 4 = Read Input Register
- slaveId (optional): the slave id used by the modbus server (0xFF is standard); this is in principle an optional parameter but some modbus devices - e.g. Siemens SENTRON PAC power measurement devices - need this parameter in order to establish a connection
- readAddresses: addresses can be specified between 0-65535. More than one address (max 100) can be specified using
- comma for separate addresses 0,2,65500
- dots for interval 5..10
- combination 0,5..10,2,65500
- sendAddresses: addresses can be specified between 0-65535. More than one address (max 100) can be specified using
- comma for separate addresses 0,2,65500
- dots for interval 5..10
- combination 0,5..10,2,65500
- responseTimeout (optional): timeout in milliseconds to wait for a response (500ms is default)
- byteTimeout (optional): timeout in milliseconds between two consecutive bytes (500ms is default)
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