Configuring the admin endpoint by using a REST Administration API

System administrators can configure the admin endpoint by using a REST Administration API.

You can configure the admin endpoint by using a REST Administration API, or by using the Amlen WebUI. For more information about using the Amlen WebUI to configure the admin endpoint, see Configuring the admin endpoint by using the Amlen WebUI.

For more information about the components that you can specify when you configure the admin endpoint, and the components that you must specify to create a configuration policy to use with the admin endpoint, including naming restrictions, see Configuring the administration endpoint.
To update the configuration of the admin endpoint, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method.
  1. Use the following URI:


  2. Provide admin endpoint object configuration data in the payload of the POST method by using the following schema. Content-type is set to application/json. Ensure that capitalization and double quotation marks are used as shown.
      "AdminEndpoint": {
        "Description": "string",
        "SecurityProfile": "string",
        "Port": integer,
        "Interface": "string",
        "ConfigurationPolicies": "string"            
    Specifies a description for the admin endpoint.
    If you do not want a description, omit "Description":"description".
    The security profile that the admin endpoint uses.
    Ensure that the security profile already exists.
    The port number that the admin endpoint listens on.
    The value must be in the range 2-65535.
    The default value is 9089.
    Note: If you change the port number and continue to use the default server name, check the value that is specified for ServerName. If the default server name is still being used, you can see that part of the default server name is the default port number of 9089. In order to simplify administration, consider changing the server name so that it no longer contains the default port number of 9089. Use the Eclipse Amlen REST API GET method to view the server name and an Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method to change it. For information about viewing and setting the server name, see Configuring the server name by using REST Administration APIs.
    The IPv4 or IPv6 address that the admin endpoint listens on.
    The default value is All.
    The configuration policies that are applied to the admin endpoint.
    Ensure that the configuration policies already exist.
    Specify the configuration policies in a comma-separated list.
    The admin endpoint can have a maximum of 100 configuration policies.

The following example shows a POST method to configure the admin endpoint by using cURL:

curl -X POST  \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
   -d  '{    
            "AdminEndpoint": {                  
            "SecurityProfile": "AdminDefaultSecProfile", 
            "Port": 9089,                  
            "Interface": "",  
            "ConfigurationPolicies": "AdminDefaultConfigProfile"
  '  \

The following example shows an example response to the POST method:

  "Version": "v1",
  "Code": "CWLNA6011",
  "Message": "The requested configuration change has completed successfully."