Configuring FIPS compliant security by using the Amlen WebUI

System administrators can configure FIPS compliant security by using the Security Settings page in the Amlen WebUI.

You can configure FIPS compliant security by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Administration APIs. For more information about using REST Administration APIs to configure FIPS compliant security, see Configuring FIPS-compliant security by using REST Administration APIs.

  1. Go to the Security Settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From the Home tab, click Server Security in the Secure your environment pane.
    • From the Server menu, click Security Settings.
  2. From the System-wide Security Settings pane, select or deselect Use FIPS 140-2 profile for secure messaging communications.
  3. Restart the Eclipse Amlen server.
    For more information about how to restart the server, see Starting, stopping, restarting and viewing the status of the Eclipse Amlen server.