Configuring FIPS-compliant security by using REST Administration APIs

System administrators can enable or disable Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant security by using REST Administration APIs. System administrators can view whether FIPS-compliant security is enabled or disabled by using the Eclipse Amlen REST Administration API GET method.

After you enable or disable FIPS-compliant security on Eclipse Amlen, you must restart the Eclipse Amlen server.

You can configure FIPS-compliant security by using a REST Administration API, or by using the Amlen WebUI. For more information about using the Amlen WebUI to configure FIPS-compliant security, see Configuring Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).

  1. To configure FIPS-compliant security on Eclipse Amlen, use the Eclipse Amlen REST API POST method with the following Eclipse Amlen configuration URI:


  2. Provide FIPS object configuration data in the payload of the POST method by using the following schema. Content-type is set to application/json. Ensure that capitalization and double quotation marks are used as shown.
      "FIPS": true|false
    FIPS: true|false
    Specifies whether FIPS-compliant security on Eclipse Amlen is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
    The default value is false.

    You can check that the configuration of your policy is as expected by using the Eclipse Amlen REST Administration API GET method. For more information about the GET method, see Viewing configuration details of objects that cannot be named by using REST Administration APIs.

The following example shows enabling FIPS-compliant security on Eclipse Amlen:
curl -X POST \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
   -d  '{ 
           "FIPS": true
 '  \