Disabling cluster membership of Eclipse Amlen servers in a high availability pair

Ensure that the primary and standby servers in the HA pair are active and synchronized.

System administrators can disable cluster membership of Eclipse Amlen servers in an HA pair by using the Amlen WebUI, or by using REST Administration APIs. For more information about using REST Administration APIs to disable cluster membership of servers in an HA pair, see Disabling cluster membership of Eclipse Amlen servers in a high availability pair by using REST Administration APIs.

  1. Disable cluster membership on the primary server.
    For more information about using the Amlen WebUI to configure cluster membership, see Configuring cluster membership by using the Amlen WebUI.
    1. Ensure that you are managing the primary server. In the Cluster menu, click Join/Leave
    2. In the Status pane, click Leave cluster
    3. Click Restart and leave cluster.
      Both servers in the HA pair will restart.
  2. Verify that the servers are no longer participating in the cluster.
    1. On the primary server, check the Status drop-down list and verify that the status displays the value Cluster: Inactive