Endpoint Monitoring

Monitor the performance of individual endpoints, in terms of connection activity and throughput across a specified time frame.

Endpoint Chart

Note: The endpoint chart displays a snapshot of data for a particular time interval, and might not show spikes that occur. For durations less than 1 hour, the charts are based on snapshots taken every 5 seconds. For longer durations, the charts are based on snapshots taken every minute.
Use the endpoint chart to view time-series charts for a particular endpoint, metric, and time duration.

Any endpoint that has a name that starts with an exclamation point character (!) is an internal pre-configured endpoint. Examples of internal pre-configured endpoints include !MQConnectivityEndpoint and !ForwarderEndpoint. The !ForwarderEndpoint is used to connect servers in a cluster. The configuration of internal pre-configured endpoints cannot be changed.

You can view information about the following metrics over a specified duration:

  • Active connections
    The number of clients that are connected to an endpoint over a time period. This number increases and decreases over time as clients connect, and disconnect from an endpoint.
  • Cumulative failed connections
    The number of unexpected disconnects. If you have an endpoint with a high number of failed connections, then you might want to do more analysis of that particular endpoint to ascertain whether there is a problem.
  • Throughput (msg)
    Throughput of messages that are sent and received for all connections that use a particular endpoint.
  • Throughput (bytes)
    Throughput of data that is sent and received for all connections that use a particular endpoint.

Endpoint Data

Use endpoint data to view aggregated data for individual endpoints.

You can view information about the following metrics over a specified duration:

  • Connections established
    The number of clients that successfully connected to an endpoint over a time period. If no new connections are established between the last hour and the last 6 hours, then the value for these fields remains the same.
  • Cumulative failed connections
    The number of unexpected disconnects. If you have an endpoint with a high number of failed connections, then you might want to do more analysis of that particular endpoint to ascertain whether there is a problem.
  • Throughput (msg)
    Aggregated throughput of messages for all connections that use a particular endpoint.
  • Throughput (bytes)
    Aggregated throughput of data for all connections that use a particular endpoint.