MQ Connectivity monitoring

View destination mapping rule-related data based on predefined queries. MQ Connectivity monitoring helps you to understand the health of your enterprise by highlighting any destination mapping rules that are not operating normally.

MQ Connectivity monitoring can aid problem determination in an enterprise where Eclipse Amlen and IBM® MQ are used.

You can use MQ Connectivity monitoring to help you to understand the message flow between Eclipse Amlen and IBM MQ. MQ Connectivity monitoring can be used to highlight the health of message processing through provision of statistics about the numbers of messages that are sent by using a particular rule or rules. For example, you can check the number of rollback operations to understand if there might be a problem with sending or receiving messages because a queue is full, or because a queue manager is not available.

If you know that there is an issue with a particular rule, then you can use the MQ Connectivity monitoring queries to find information about that rule. You can find this information by filtering on rule name and checking the associated information about status, number of committed messages, and number of rollbacks. If there is a problem with a particular queue manager, then you can filter on the Queue manager connection field to get statistics relating to that queue manager. These statistics can help you to diagnose a problem. For example, the information that is provided in the Status field might indicate that the queue manager must be restarted by an administrator.

  • Rule Name
    Specifies the name of the destination mapping rule to collect data about.
    You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to specify a group of destination mapping rules. For example, to view the status of all destination mapping rules that start with MQ, use MQ*.
    The default value is *.
  • Queue Manager Connection
    Specifies the queue manager connection that the destination mapping rule must be associated with.
    You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to specify a group of queue manager connections. For example, to view the status of all destination mapping rules that are associated with queue managers that start with MQ, use MQ*
    The default value is *.
  • Rule Type
    Specifies the type of rule to return monitoring data for.
    You can specify one of the following values:
    • Any
      Returns destination mapping rules of all types.
      This value is the default value.
    • Message Gateway topic to MQ queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic to IBM MQ queue.
    • Message Gateway topic to MQ topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic to IBM MQ topic.
    • MQ queue to Message Gateway topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ queue to Eclipse Amlen topic.
    • MQ topic to Message Gateway topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic to Eclipse Amlen topic.
    • Message Gateway topic subtree to MQ queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ queue.
    • Message Gateway topic subtree to MQ topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ topic.
    • Message Gateway topic subtree to MQ topic subtree
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen topic subtree to IBM MQ topic subtree.
    • MQ topic subtree to Message Gateway topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen topic.
    • MQ topic subtree to Message Gateway topic subtree
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen topic subtree.
    • Message Gateway queue to MQ queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen queue to IBM MQ queue.
    • Message Gateway queue to MQ topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type Eclipse Amlen queue to IBM MQ topic.
    • MQ queue to Message Gateway queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ queue to Eclipse Amlen queue.
    • MQ queue to Message Gateway topic
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ queue to Eclipse Amlen topic.
    • MQ topic to Message Gateway queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic to Eclipse Amlen queue.
    • MQ topic subtree to Message Gateway queue
      Returns destination mapping rules of the type IBM MQ topic subtree to Eclipse Amlen queue.

You can then run one of the following predefined queries:

  • Rules with most commit operations
    The destination mapping rule with the highest number of completed commit operations. The number of commit operations is increased when a batch of persistent messages is sent successfully. One commit operation can commit many messages. Nonpersistent messages with a QoS of 0 are not batched.
    This rule is the default value.
  • Rules with most rollback operations
    The destination mapping rule with the highest number of completed rollback operations. An increase in the number of rollback operations might indicate a problem. For example, a queue might be full or a queue manager might not be running. However, the number of rollback operations can also increase if no subscribers are currently connected to the queue manager to receive the message, or if a rule is disabled. When a rule is disabled, any transaction that is in progress is rolled back. The messages are re-sent when the rule is re-enabled.
  • Rules with most persistent messages
    The destination mapping rule with the highest number of persistent messages that are sent by using that rule.
  • Rules with most nonpersistent messages
    The destination mapping rule with the highest number of nonpersistent messages that are sent by using that rule.
  • Rules with most committed messages
    The destination mapping rule with the highest number of committed messages.