XA Transaction monitoring

View state information for XA transaction branches in Eclipse Amlen being coordinated by an external transaction manager.

Transaction monitoring allows you to identify those XA transaction branches which need to be moved from either a prepared state or a heuristically completed state to another state. This requirement arises in rare situations, such as when Eclipse Amlen has lost connectivity with an external transaction manager, such as WebSphere® Application Server, and the XA transaction branch remains in prepared state instead of progressing to the state appropriate to the stage reached in the XA transaction. It then becomes necessary to commit, or roll back such transaction branches. Other XA transaction branches might have already committed or have been rolled back; in this case, it becomes necessary to forget them. You can make such heuristic decisions about these transaction branches and implement them using the Amlen WebUI or by using REST Monitoring APIs.

You can view metrics on the following information for the XA transaction branches in Eclipse Amlen:

  • Transaction ID (XID)
    The transaction ID (XID) is the identifier of the transaction branch in Eclipse Amlen.
  • Timestamp
    The date and time when the transaction branch last changed state.
  • State
    The state of the transaction branch.