Connecting to an existing infrastructure

You can connect Eclipse Amlen to IBM® MQ by using MQ Connectivity. You can connect Eclipse Amlen to WebSphere® Application Server by using the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter.

MQ Connectivity

When you connect Eclipse Amlen to IBM MQ, you must consider how IBM MQ can handle the volume of messages that Eclipse Amlen might send to IBM MQ. You have a choice between using multiple queue managers to handle the messages, or preserving the message order by using a single queue manager.

For more information about MQ Connectivity, see MQ Connectivity.

Eclipse Amlen resource adapter

When you connect Eclipse Amlen to WebSphere Application Server, you must consider how your WebSphere Application Server can handle the volume of messages that Eclipse Amlen might send. You might therefore want to configure a WebSphere Application Server cluster and enable concurrent MDB instances in order to support horizontal scaling. For more information about configuring the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter in a cluster, see Configuring Eclipse Amlen resource adapter in a WebSphere Application Server cluster. For more information about scaling within a single WebSphere Application Server, see Configuring Eclipse Amlen resource adapter for scaling within a single WebSphere Application Server.

If the order in which your messages are received is important, your design must consider factors that can change this order. The order of messages is disrupted if your application explicitly receives a message other than the first by specifying message selectors. Parallel processing by using concurrent consumers and error or exception processing can also affect message order. For more information about preserving message order, see Configuring Eclipse Amlen resource adapter to preserve message order. For more information about message order limitations, see Message order limitations with the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter.

If you configure Eclipse Amlen in a HA environment, you must consider whether you also want to set up your WebSphere Application Server in a highly available environment. For more information about configuring the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter for high availability, see Configuring the Eclipse Amlen resource adapter for high availability. For more information about setting up a high availability environment for WebSphere Application Server, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation version 8.5.